School fight #1

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It had been a few days since ashtray and Bianca had been together. Ashtray had been caught up with dealing while Bianca had been caught up in a slight bit of drama.

A few rumors had been going around about Ashtray, Bianca and a girl named Sarah. Rumors had it that Sarah and Ashtray were dating,

being that Bianca and Ashtray hung out a lot making people suspect that Bianca was hooking up with Ashtray while he was dating Sarah.

Bianca hated rumors they were like whispers in the air, spreading in the air, all full of lies and none truth. It made Bianca nervous and scared.

"Who tf does this bitch think she is" Amy said
The three girls were walking through the hallways on their way to science class.

"I honestly don't give a fuck I just don't want any problems" Bianca replied
" she literally threatened to jump yo ass"
Victoria said
"Let her jump me tf, that's her problem" B continued

"I'm just saying watch your back, cause she can jump you any second" Amy said trying to scare B
Earning a lousy eye roll from her.

In school 12:30
{in the school bathroom}
Amy and Bianca stood in front of the bathroom mirror applying pink strawberry lipgloss with a delicious fruity scent.
" I think my eyebrows need to get waxed" Amy said interrupting the silence in the room.
"Nah I think they cute like that" B replied returning to fix her mascara in the mirror.

The girls finished up pampering themselves, and started walking out the bathroom when they were met with Sarah and a few girls behind her.
Bianca walked swiftly pass them paying no mind until she felt someone pull her back by her bag and Lunged her fist to Bs face.
" you dumb bitch, thinking you can hook up with my man" Sarah yelled

Bianca yelled getting a tight grasp of Sarah's hair and pushing her towards the floor.
Sarah yelled back trying to get out of Biancas tight grasp but failing.

Pupils were stood around filming the whole fight
While Amy was trying to pull Bianca of Sarah, which she ended up doing after a while. Bianca stood up while blood slowly ran down her nose with an enraged look on her face.

Sarah was laying down on the ground screaming insults at Bianca, but she was tuned out like a zombie in a daze. She had no thoughts like a blank canvas. All she could hear was people yelling, insults being thrown at her.

Her own body gave up at that moment, she collapsed like a house of cards,her body giving in to the weight of her emotions. Faint voices being heard from the distance...... b b Bianca


What do y'all think 🤭
I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter 🌚
But I hope y'all enjoyed it and don't be afraid to comment and share your opinions.

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