Hair done PRRR 🤭

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"Girl get yo slow as downstairs we gotta go"
Amy yelled for Bianca, the girls were getting their hair done for the summer, " Girls the car is loaded hop in" bs mum shouted, Biancas mum tried to make as much time for Bianca as she did with Brooklyn since Bianca was almost always out of the house, alright let's head out girls.


The girls arrived at the salon and got seated. Hello lady's how have y'all been doing, Amys Aunty owned the store. "We've been doing great aunt Martha".Lovely to hear girls why don't we start with a quick wash and then we can get those passion twist in.

Martha spoke, the girls loved Aunt Martha she was just a lovely organized sweet lady, who would do anything to get a smile on their faces. Aunt Marthas best friend Jaya was Biancas friend they would talk for hour's while she was getting her hair done.

They would talk about boys, school, drama anything that came to mind. It was bs favorite part of getting her hair done the closure it brought them. Making it feel like her second home.

" Sooo y'all got any boys eyeing you" Jaya asked
" mhmmm ask b" Amy said eyeing Bianca
" what, if this is about ashtray we're just friends"
" really close ones then" Amy says giving b the side eye.(preach Amy way to close "friends"😒)
" GIRL TELL ME" Jaya almost screams
" well they be cuddling sleeping over hugging flirting ALOT damn at this point y'all might as well be married"
" sound like a married couple to me" Jaya says laughing along with Amy while Bianca sits in her chair trying not to smile of embarrassment.
" is he white" Jaya asked
" damn right he is" Amy reply's
" damn girl, you can pull"
Bianca just rolled her eyes in embarrassment and shame. She loved talking about boys but not when it was about her.
" I must see him for my self they did call me the love genie expert back in the day" Jaya exclaimed
Amy and Bianca broke out laughing. Jaya rolled her eyes at the girls.
" girl please you is just 19 what
life is you talking about" Aunt Martha said rolling her eyes at Jaya causing the girl to burst into tears while laughing It was this they loved, even thought they went threw embarrassing moments they all had each other.
Making the visits even better.

Btw they got passion twists( these but a little longer)

( Damn i might have been reborn as the writer of Romeo and Juliet 🤭😏)

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( Damn i might have been reborn as the writer of Romeo and Juliet 🤭😏)

Let's take a moment to appreciate black culture

Anyways what did y'all think of the chapter 💋

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