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Saturday 12:00

"Ur lying" Maddie said over the phone after Bianca had just told her about ash and her dating.

"I have no fucking idea what had gotten into me I was all smiling and shit it was weird"
"Omg I'm honestly so happy for u, have u told Amy yet?"
"Girl what, why not"

"Idk I told her I was over him and shit and she practically hates him as I said the other day, am I like backstabbing her when I do that?"

"No, not at all come on, u guys are so close she'll obviously understand"
"I hope so" b mumbled

"I promise she will, I gotta go bae well talk later
"Bye love u"
She then ended the call
"BIANCA" Amy yelled coming upstairs to bs room
Bianca mentally cursed herself,

"hey, I feel like I haven't seen u in a while u good"
"Yeah" b mumbled

"Anyways guess what"

"U can tell me if it's has nothing to do with sex or Troy"
"Well then I might as well just shut up"
"Im joking go ahead"

"Troy asked me to be his girlfriend last night"

"THANK U" Amy responded giggling at the last thing Bianca said.
"Enough about me and my manz"
"I heard u and ashtray have been linking up" Amy said lifting an eyebrow.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday"
"Ur lying"
"No" b mumbled

"What why'd u seem so sad it's that a good thing"
"No it most definitely is  I just thought u we're gonna be mad for some reason" b mumbled once again

"Girl please, why would I be mad I'm happy for u girly"
"But swear u can't tell anyone else we have to keep shit on the low"
"Oh so yall are sneaky like that" Amy almost laughing a bit at the face Bianca pulled
"No, "ItS fOr Ur oWn SaFtEy" the girl said mimicking ashtrays deep voice
Causing both of them to burst out in laughter


Sunday 16:49

It was around 16:49 in the evening the sun was setting. Bianca had decided to go over to ashtrays to hang out with him.

"Hello" b said letting herself into the house
Not getting any response she goes upstairs.
"Ashtray" she yells again
No response, she then opens the bedroom door to see ashtray peacefully sleeping.
"Well damn" she mumbles to herself
The girl walks further into the room sitting next to ashtray caressing his soft cheeks
"Ash" she whispers cheesing over how peaceful the boy seemed replacing his exasperated expression with a soft one
"Mhm" ashtray mumbled looking up at Bianca with a smug smile plastered on his face enjoying the clear view of Bs cleavage, what a dream to wake up to huh?

It took a minute or two for Bianca to realize what ashtrays eyes were lingering over at
"Boy if u don't" b said slightly pushing ashtrays head back realizing what the boy was glaring at
causing  ashtray to let out a chuckle
"That's one view to wake up to" ashtray mumbles leaning against the headboard to get a better view of Bianca.
"Ha.Ha.Ha ur hilarious" the girl said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice
"U okay" she asked the boy who now seemed a bit drained
"Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night" ash said resting his head on the headboard while closing his eyes
"Did u eat"Bianca worriedly asked caressing his arm
"No" ash smirked opening his eyes which a smug look set on his face
"Ur nasty ashtray" b said with an unpleasant look on her face
"My bad" ash said putting both his arms up in defense
"I would like a bowl of cereal though"
"Good let's go down stairs so I can watch u make it"
Bianca said standing up and leaving the room having the last word, hearing ash sigh and climb out of bed in the distance.

Bianca leaned by the counter watching ash prepare his cereal
"There's no cereal "
"That's what u get for not putting cereal first"
Ashtray rolled his eyes at the girl
"Sassy I see" b muttered
"Or..." ash said with a smug look on face "we could make our own"

"Ash Im this close to putting u up for sale shut up, we can make sum ramen if u wanna eat so bad" Bianca mentally rolled her eyes at the boy who didn't look like he was paying attention at the girl at all, he just stood there admiring her.
"Ash ur being kinda cute but creepy don't do that"
"Cm here"

Ash said embracing Bianca into a hug snuggling his head into the crook of her neck taking in her vanilla scented lotion.

Bianca resting her arms around ashtrays shoulder and intertwining her hand together behind his neck
"Ur such a softy" b giggled
"Damn right I am, hella proud of it too"
"Ur too damn cute sometimes" Bianca said pecking ashtrays cheek.

"I love you" ash whispered under his breath
"Can we skip the food I wanna go back so sleep" the boy mumbled still in the crook of her neck

"No, not until u eat something, u might end up eating me 😒 I'm not risking that" b rolled her eyes pulling away from ash who had a shit-eating grin on his face.

He grabbed a bag of Takis from one of the cabinets
"Is this good enough"
"When was the last time u had a proper meal" Bianca said snatching the Takis from the bald boys hands.

"Idk" he said shrugging
B let out a sight "i approve them only because I want some too now let's go" b said leading the way to ashtray room.

I haven't posted in a while o haven't really had the motivation.
I really appreciate those of u who have commented 😛 helps me stay motivated 🫶🏽

Hope y'all enjoyed

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