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Leaning against the headboard of her foamy bed, Mariam's eyes were zoomed on the book in her hands. It was a new edition of her favorite young teen novel. With one hand clasped around the coffee mug, she turned the page with her free hand.

"Funky Alhaja, why are you so engrossed in this novel? Is it that interesting?" Mosope asked.

Mosope is a coursemate to Mariam, she is of average height but has a thick body which made people nicknamed her PORTABLE, she she's seen everywhere, looking for one trouble to another. She's the first to call Mariam FUNKY ALHAJA, Mariam felt like smacking her head that day but decide against it, she doesn't like to get involve in fights or arguments. Since then everyone in the department calls her that.

"It's very interesting and educative, it's reminds me of my secondary school days and some kind of friends then. I found every chapter amusing, the author did a great job in writing this". Mariam closed the book and put it in her bagpack as she already sighted Sekinah from afar.

"Haahan... You want to stand up, didn't you want to lend me your novel?"

"Give me a reason why I should lend you? Go get yours from a bookstore, it has already been acknowledge for those writing JAMB which means it's everywhere. You already know the title! Excuse me please, my friend is here"

"You are too parsimonious! Common novel you are being canny" she yelled causing people to look at their direction. Mariam ignore her and walkaway.

"Assalamualaikum warahmotullah wabarakatuh ya ukhti, hope  didn't keep you waiting?" Sekinah greeted beaming with smiles, she's happy that Mariam is learning faster than she thought and they are going to Madrasah (Arabic school) everyday after lectures for the day.

"Walaikum Salam warahmotullah wabarakatuh, not at all, I was so engrossed in the book I'm reading that I don't feel anxious waiting for you"

"Funky Alhaja! What happened between you and portable? You should have avoided her trouble when you see her coming to you"  Ayo, another of her coursemate said, showing concern about what happened.

"Hey! It's fine, I already know her ways, I'm less bothered... Thanks for your concern" Mariam said, dismissing him.

"Funky Alhaja? Seriously? Laillah illa llah and you allowed them to nicknamed you with such a name?" Sekinah was not happy with the name and she didn't let it slide rather than call her attention to it.

"I don't like it as well and I can't stop it besides it's cool"

"Nothing is absolutely cool my dear sister, the name doesn't suits at all, more reason you need to dress the way Allah want us to dress"

"You mean I should start wearing what you are wearing? Ji...."

"Jilbab! Yes, you should start wearing it, because it's said in the Quran Suratul An-Noor verse 31: And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful."

"And in Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 59: O Prophet! say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments; this will be more proper, that they may be known, and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

"So my dear sister, listen and obey the words of Allah, we don't dress like this because we want to, it's ordained to us by Allah and who says I can't dress the way you do? I do dress like this and more just that I covered up. And to be sincere, dressing Islamically will accord you more respect."

Mariam already feeling fainting from all what she heard from her friend. Not that she didn't understand her prove, she does but she can't imagine herself dressing as such.

"Okay sis, jazakumllah Khairan, I will look into it" Mariam said sighingly.

"Ma Sha Allah! Barakallah fee kum ya ukhti" Sekinah replied giving her a bone crushing hug .

"Can I start with small hijab before this big one? Besides i think I needed to learn more so that I can defend myself anywhere" she wanted to say at home but decided against it and said anywhere instead.

"Of course you can, I will teach you all you needed to know and learn, Madrasah will aid as well, In no time; you will become a hafizoh, I already seen that in you"

"Indeed! Madam enter bus jare!" They board bus going to the Madrasah and continue with their gist. Deep down Mariam is thinking if she's doing the right thing, how will she cope using the jilbab, what will people see her as? What will her parents say? This were her thoughts before the bus conductor called their bus-stop. They both get down and walk down to their Arabic school.

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