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"Sope! Alhaja! Lecturer don enter class o (lecturer has entered the class)

They heard and rushed into the lecture room.
They couldn't get to sit at the front as the class was filled with students, 'It's unusual' Sope thought, they sat at the extreme of the seats. Out of curiosity she asked one of her coursemate. "Bimpe, what's happening? Why is the class filled with people from other departments?"

"Haahan... It has been like this since pass years na. Have you forgotten that Sex and Marriage is the most borrowed course in every levels?" She asked using question to answer her question.

"Oh! It's true, I forgot" she brought out her note from her bag, so do Mariam.

"Hello everyone, good morning to you all" the lecturer greeted using a mouthpiece that is attached to his head like a head band. "Good morning Sir" the students chorused.

"I'm not surprised to see the class so filled. It has been a norm for the past 8 years. Mind you; as interesting as this course is, you can fail it easily. But please don't fail because I can't imagine marking your script twice coupled with this populations. Has you all know, the course is titled SEX AND MARRIAGE I, then by 300 and 400 level you will be taught SEX AND MARRIAGE II and III respectively"

He scribbled it on the board and introduced the topic to them by starting with courtship, dating and relationship. "You can date without courting, DATING is going out and getting acquaint with each other. COURTING is when you accept the person to be your fiance or fiancée. Both are relationship but what is being shared s different from another" (a guy raised his hands at the middle row) "Yes? You have a question?"

"Sir, how will I know if the person is right for me to court after dating for a while?"  His question made people chuckle and there was a lot of murmur from the students. Some are calling in pastor while some are calling sort of names.

"Well.. I would say that when something is for you, it will bring clarity and alignment to your life, not chaos and confusion. It will not run, hide or avoid being yours. You do not have to run after anything or anyone. You won’t feel the need to beg, convince or force. Things will feel easeful, grounded and safe. It will not make you question or second guess your worth.  Instead, it will remind you how worthy and truly loved you are. It will feel healthy and supportive- not toxic and destructive. By then you will feel it, you’ll know it!  What you need to do is to STOP ignoring the signs. Release what needs to be released, so you can receive what needs to be received".

The class became an uproar with sounds of deafening applauds. 'Ride on pastor!' a student said from the back causing others to laugh. The lecturer didn't mind but continue with his lecture.

"You see, when I met my wife, she was a quintessence of unadulterated beauty. She was slim and broad at the middle, giving her a model like glitter" he paused as the tone change from silence to awning from the students. Awwwnnn awnnnn. By this time, he is already blushing and feeling himself. Mariam cheeks are pinky and her eyes had a lone tear from smiling,  she felt a stare and look towards the direction, it was Moses. He looked away quickly, little did she know that his eyes had been on her since the beginning of the lecture.

"I couldn't but want more and I didn't ignore the signs. I go for it and guess what?" He asked no one in particular. "One of the best decision I ever made in my life is going for her I was 26 years when I married the wife of my youth. Married my wife when she was aged 18, just few days to her clocking 19. She was in 200 level then. Aside the health advantages on early child birth, we grow and build at our convenient space and time."

"You know, where there is a will, there is a way. Coupled with the fact that I love her more than she does though she always disagree. As young people, we created a space for tolerance because we knew we were going to make mistakes, with forgiveness always on the plate. I don’t hide my weakness. I share them with her. Always rubbing heads together. Marrying early or marrying late isn’t always the issue for bad marriage. The problem is the personality: It is the man or the woman not fitting for you." That's why you need to DATE before you COURT and COURT before you get MARRIED.

"Sir! Your wife was so young then and I believe there will be some lapses like... You know? How did you cope and Sir, how long does a courtship last?"
This time students where more serious than before and we're listening attentively as if the lecturer is a Quranic scholar and they are Islamic members listening to the words of Allah and his prophets.

"By the you know... You mean maturity?" The lady whom asked the question nodded. there was a little chuckle. "Maturity is not by age. Same applies to marriage. Meaning, you can be 50 and not ready. I did mine because I believe I'm mentally fit for everything that comes with marriage especially when I know I am dealing with a teenager. But nothing is as good as marrying early if you meet genuine love, if you  have the resources and also the support. It has more advantages than the other. However, anytime is fine. We can not always walk this life the same way. It must be according to our God chosen time. And well, In my case, I don’t even have the resources like that, I am from an average family yet I am a hard worker couple with the fact that I'm blessed with a wife who is made to complete me. We are blessed with two most beautiful girls and handsome three boys in the whole wide world" another round of awning started. "The issue of courting, you can court till you have certified mentally, financially, morally, spiritually fit for marriage. However he shorter the best. Two to three months is enough, don't turn yourself to lord of the rings and keep yourself holy. If you can't do these two then abort the relationship!" Another round of uproar begin. Most of them nodded in agreement including Mariam. Even though the lecturer is not practicing the same religion as her, he's saying the truth based on the teachings of Islam.

"Any more question?" A lady from the front seaters raised her hands. "Last question please" he said as he checked his wrist watch. "I have a meeting to attend in the next few minutes, make it short and concise please "

"Sir, what is your point of view about marrying someone, like as a lady i am, marrying someone I'm older than and richer than also prostituting in marriage is on rampant this days what could be the cause and what do you think the solution will be. Thanks Sir"

"Based on personal experience, it's better not to be with someone 'beneath you' someone whose level you have to always come down to. They will frustrate your entire being. They will pull you down. They will become a burden. You will loose your worth and substance. You will loose yourself and your person. You begin to function comfortably at their level. They will never understand or appreciate anything higher than them. Let everyone work on themselves. Date your level. Don't make anyone feel like they are proud because they will not come down to your level. You can also move up to their level. Do it on your own. That's how life but not always. It works well for some people while it doesn't work for others. And prostituting in marriage depends of what is happening in the marriage. If it's about financial problems there is a difference between a woman who prostitutes to feed and the one who does it to live a luxurious lifestyle.  If you provide woman “A” with food, she might stop. Give woman “B” food, she won’t stop because there is no end to luxury. Same way we have women who are keepers and we have women who are embezzlers. There is a woman that will step in and make the house a home, another will step in and light it on fire. If it's about lack of sex then they should go for counseling and therapy to change their home. It's very bad to prostitute or cheat on your partner, keep your body holy for your spouse that's the essence of marriage!. See you all 94hrs from now."

With that he left the class. Some students rushed out as well while others where seated. Mariam joined the queue of those going out. "See Mariam I'm hungry and I don't have foodstuffs" Mosope whined. "No problem, if you can follow me to my hostel, I can arrange something" she offered. The former jumped at her to give her a bone crushing hug. Then left for the later hostel.

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