| Prologue |

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The wailing and crying of a baby were the only sounds that filled the very top level of Hometree. Mo'at had just given birth to her third baby and had gone through arduous labor for hours on end.

Once the baby was wrapped up and cleaned, she was handed to the Tsahik, as Eytukan, the Leader of the Omaticaya came around and stood behind his wife to look at the new addition to their family. Mo'at saw how the baby Navi stopped crying and curled up and gripped her mother with her small hands for warmth and skin-to-skin contact.

All of a sudden, while the family enjoyed the moment, various seedlings of Eywa spirits started to emerge from the treeline and down towards the baby. Once they landed on the baby's arms, the infant's face seemingly turned more content and at peace as it slept.

At the contact of the seedlings with the baby, small strands of hair that the baby had started to glow dimly in a white and silver light. It wasn't a strong glow, but this left the family completely speechless at the sight.

There were about 4 or 5 seedlings in total, floating around and after a few seconds, they dispersed and left from where they came from, leaving the family speechless. Neytiri and Sylwanin had both come into the room and were able to witness such a beautiful moment.

While cradling her in a motherly embrace, Mo'at eyed the small baby with a smile before finally saying; "Eywa has blessed us with her. The spirits must be telling us that she is meant to be with us. From now on, we will take care of her and raise her to be our future protector. I have a feeling Eywa wants her to lead us all to victory and to protect the people from any harm that comes our way" Mo'at stated, making the two girls excited, knowing they now have a new little sister that they can love and cherish.

Eytukan, stood behind his wife, smiling warmly at the new addition to their family that will surely bring peace to their people. He already started to think about the things he wanted to teach her, just like he's taught her two daughters that are too much like their parents for their good.

"Her name will be...Y/n" Mo'at stated, while the baby reached up with her small arms and tugged gently on one of her braids with a cute smile adorning her face, along with a small coo.

"That's a beautiful name, Mother," Neytiri said with a smile, earning a nod in agreement from her older sister. And with that, a new addition to the family was brought and welcomed with open arms by the rest of the clan.

A ceremony was held to pronounce that Y/n was officially a part of the clan, as the daughter of Mo'at and Eytukan, as well as being proclaimed the Princess of the Omaticaya.

Years passed and Y/n grew more beautiful, unique, special, and loved by the people with each passing day. She adorned a gorgeous blue skin tone and amber eyes, along with glowing dots all over her body just like all Na'vi people.

Unlike everyone else, what made her stand out the most was the fact that whenever it became nighttime, some strands of her hair began to dimly glow in a silver and white tone, similar to the way forests in Pandora glow with bioluminescence and display their beauty.

At first, it was a marvelous thing about her that she had such a unique quality, but the family later found out it was also very intriguing in a bigger way than they could've imagined. While it was a beautiful thing that her hair responded to Eywa's spirits and soul, especially at night, her hair also felt whenever harm came to any of the fauna, flora, or her connection to Eywa, Y/n received headaches when the glow intensified.

This only got worse when the RDA, The Resources Development Administration, a company from Earth set up their base on Pandora to extract resources from their planet, which deeply hurt the young girl, both physically and mentally.

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