| Chapter 6 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

After Jake explained to Grace what had happened to him after he strayed away from the group, they all couldn't help but look at him in shock. They could not believe what they were hearing from the ex-marine who knows nothing about Pandora and has had little to no experience but still managed to be taken in by the Omaticaya people themselves.

It was not hard to notice how his voice and face changed when he talked about the princess and the upcoming Tsahik, Y/n. It was clear to see how smitten he was about her and Grace knew that she was to be paired with Tsu'Tey, so if Jake intervened with that, it would not have a good ending with either of them or the tribe.

It was the next day and everyone was having breakfast in the cafeteria. Jake was to be in the link room straight after that to connect with his Avatar and then live his first day as the Omaticaya do. All of the scientists who were interested in listening to the story of Jake's whereabouts gathered at one long table as Grace re-told what had happened.

"The last thing we see is this Marine's ass disappearing into the bush with this angry Thanator coming after him" Grace laughed, earning a similar reaction from other scientists gathered at the story.

"Hey, it's just not something you can teach" Jake smirked, laughing slightly while he ate his breakfast at the head of the table.

"That is awesome" Max chuckled on the seat next to Jake's, amazed at what he experienced. Never in his career had he heard about a situation like this happening before.

"You know, for reasons I cannot fathom, the Omaticaya have chosen you. God help us all" Grace laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. She knew this could turn around the entire outcome of their operation.

Across the table, Norm sulked as he ate his breakfast. This entire situation seemed unreal to him, and not in a good way. He had been studying and preparing for years to participate in this program, but suddenly an ex-marine rookie comes in with no training and gets it done in just a few days. Norm couldn't help but feel jealousy brewing inside him. He had been wanting to connect and interact with the Omaticaya, and the Na'vi in general, for years. It felt like a slap to the face.

After breakfast, Jake headed over to the main hangar that Quaritch and the rest of the higher-ups were in. Jake explained what happened and the Colonel scoffed in disbelief. Much like his colleagues, Quaritch couldn't believe Jake came through with what they talked about and was able to infiltrate himself into their clan.

"Jarhead Clan?" Quaritch asked, and Jake nodded with a hum in approval. "And it worked?" The Colonel laughed.

"Hey, I'm practically family," Jake said, meaning it as a joke, but earning a few laughs here and there. He leaned onto the railing in the hologram projector before continuing. "They're gonna study me. I have to learn to be one of them" Jake said, earning an approving nod from Quaritch.

"That's called taking initiative, son" Quaritch started. "I wish I had ten more like you," He said, patting Jake's shoulder approvingly.

Hearing this, Parker came into the conversation and caught Jake's attention. "Look, Sully. Sully. Just find out what the blue monkeys want. You know, I mean, we try to give them medicine, education, roads, and so on. But, no, no, no, they like mud. And that wouldn't bother me, it's just that they're, uh...Hey, can you?" Parker paused for a second and gestured to an employee to adjust the hologram on the table in front of them.

"Can somebody just...Sector 12. Go, go, go. Stop. Jesus" He said, seeing his employee go a little too far away from the map. Jake stiffened seeing it land right on Hometree. "Their damn village happens to be resting on the richest Unobtanium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction. I mean, look at all that cheddar!" Parker said, laughing afterward.

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