| Chapter 7 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

After another day of training with Y/n, Jake sat in front of his camera where he is supposed to do video logs in. It is becoming a bit hard to stay consistent but he tries to make it not sound awkward when he's in front of the camera for so long.

"Okay. This is video log 12. Time is 21:32" Jake started with a sigh but did not feel motivated to continue this process. He stopped and looked over at Grace who was looking at some samples under a microscope. "Do I have to do this now? Like I need to get some rack" Jake tried to request, but Grace shook her head at his question.

"No. Now, when it's fresh" She countered, still looking into the lens of the microscope. Jake sighed and turned back to the camera begrudgingly. "Okay. Location, shack. And the days are starting to blur together" He said to the camera, trying his best to remember the last few days while being with you.

He started to remember his lesson with you earlier that day. Y/n and Jake were sitting on a tree branch that connected two trees, and they were sitting cross-legged in front of one another, practicing Na'vi words.

"On'tu" Y/n said slowly for him, and Jake repeated it, almost perfectly. The word means nose. "On'tu" Jake repeated, and you nodded in approval.

The language is a pain, but, you know, I figure it's like field stripping a weapon. Repetition, repetition. Over and over.

Once Jake got a good idea of that specific word, they moved on to the next one, which is Nari and which means eye. Jake liked to see Y/n's eyes focusing on him while she taught him everything, and his heart fluttered whenever you congratulated him for getting something right, even after various attempts. But, even so, it didn't always go that way, and what Jake received was the opposite of that.

Y/n pointed to her eyes, then made Jake repeat the word, which Jake didn't mind continuing to look at; especially if that was the word they were learning.

"Navi" Jake said, all the while Y/n was pointing to her eyes, but you shook your head given that he pronounced it wrong. "Nari" Y/n said more clearly, to which Jake then tried to say again.

"Nari" Jake tried to say, but it still wasn't right, and Y/n was getting irritated and impatient. "Narrri," You said in a more enunciated tone.

"Narrri" Jake said, and once again, it was not quite right so Y/n raised her hand and smacked his head with a tired sigh. They repeated this same vocabulary over and over until it was time to move on to the next lesson.

What Jake needed to learn next was how to use a bow and arrow. The two now stood in the designated ranges for warriors to train in while Y/n gave Jake beginner tips. As he held the bow and arrow, Y/n noticed that he wasn't using it quite the way it was supposed to be held.

"Txur ni'ul. Stronger" You told Jake, letting him know how it is that you're supposed to do it. You inhaled and tapped your stomach, and he immediately got the message, holding up the bow and arrow again as you taught him.

Jake inhaled deeply and tried to aim the arrow toward the target in front of him. Seeing mistakes in his form, Y/n came up to him and tapped his stomach, prompting him to push it in as he inhaled. She fixed his arms as well, with the angle he held the bow. Y/n then stepped back with her hands on her hips to see from another angle if he was standing right.

Y/n calls me skxawng. It means moron.

Over this time, Norm eventually started to be nicer to Jake. He started to see that the position Jake is in, isn't his fault. In turn, Norm decided to help his comrade and teach him what he knows about the Na'vi, hopefully helping to get the Omaticaya to respect him.

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