| Chapter 13 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

The remaining population of the Omaticaya was now all gathered at The Tree of Souls. You, Mo'at, Neytiri, and Tsu'Tey all sat under it while the people were sitting close together around the base of it, holding hands with one another as well. The People were chanting and singing in Na'vi as an expression of adoration towards Eywa so that they can gain strength to get through these difficult times.

Before they could continue to sing, the Omaticaya suddenly felt a shadow looming over them all of a sudden. Y/n opened her eyes and stopped singing, along with Neytiri. Everyone turned their heads to see where the shadow was coming from, murmuring in worry and alarm. Once the people saw that it was Toruk that was making their way toward the Na'vi, everyone began to scream in fear.

Your eyes widened at the sight and you stayed frozen in your spot. Neytiri tried to grab you and pull you back with her. Even though the beast was ruthless, you were in shock. How many more hits would be thrown at you and your people? There's only so much you all could take. Once Toruk started to land, you saw a blue figure sitting on the banshee and your eyes widened further as your hands covered your mouth in disbelief. It was Jake.

As Toruk descended, the people cried and screamed as they backed away from the beast. The giant banshee roared, scaring and frightening the Omaticaya further. Even on top of Toruk, Jake's eyes were only focused on you. He climbed off of the banshee's neck and detached their bond, then walked up to stand next to its head and pat it gently. As a thank you for bringing him all the way here.

Your hands dropped from your mouth but your lips stayed ajar in surprise. Tsu'Tey, on the other hand, stayed crouched on the ground with suspicious and untrusting eyes. Part of you was relieved to see him again, but the other part of your head refused to let him back into your heart and mind like he was.

"Toruk Makto..." Mo'at muttered. Your mother's words all of a sudden made something click inside of you. No wonder Toruk was so adamant about solely chasing after Jake the other day. Toruk chose him. Just like it does with all of its previous riders. It all made sense now as to why you felt such a connection to him, and it was because of the purpose he was meant to fulfill.

You and Jake locked gazes from afar. His eyes were staring into yours with so much guilt mingled with longing to be with you again. As Jake started to walk forward to get to you, the villagers started to clear a path in the middle for the two of you to reach each other.

As he walked towards you, with his eyes never leaving yours, you absentmindedly started to walk forward as well to meet him in the middle of the path. Even with so many people staring at him and looking at Jake with admiration, he only ever looked at you and nobody else. He walked to you with soft eyes as if there was nobody else around and you were the only thing in his mind that plagued his thoughts.

Jake tilted his head slightly to the side as he was finally standing right in front of you. You let out a shaky breath as you looked into his amber eyes that were focused on you, and only you. A million things were running through each other's minds, with the urge to just be with one another again. At that moment, you were willing to break down those walls again and let him in, no matter how much your conscience protested against it.

"I see you," You said, panting softly as you looked up at him. Jake's heart warmed at your words. He hesitantly raised his hand and briefly brushed his thumb against your cheek, making you involuntarily lean into it.

"I see you," He replied, dropping his hand back to his side. Your heart raced at simply the sight of him standing in front of you. Returning the gesture, you lifted your hand and softly brushed it against his left forearm and arm.

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