| Chapter 15 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

Quaritch remained as calm as ever. He remained standing over the main pilot of the biggest ship in the fleet. "Alright, people, target in sight. Range, four klicks. Valkyrie 1-6, get your payload ready," He said, relaying the message to his soldiers on standby.

"Copy. Prepare to offload. Staff Sergeant, stage weapon" The pilot said, alerting Quaritch through the coms. The attack was becoming more and more imminent by every second that passed, and even if the Tree of Souls was in eyesight, Jake and the Na'vi were nowhere to be seen. So Quaritch stayed alert.

"Roll it to the ramp! Let's go!" The Staff Sergeant commanded, and at the ramp in the back of the ship, the soldiers pushed a block stocked with explosives to the edge of the ramp. They would push it over the edge when they were close to the Tree of Souls.

As the fleet of ships passed by, all of the aerial Na'vi that were part of the recruited clans, stayed latched onto the side of the mountains in their Ikrans, waiting for the perfect moment to strike at the ships appearing below.

On the ground, Lyle, who was in his Ampsuit, received a message from one of the commanders. "Charlie 1-2, we've got movement," He said, making Lyle raise an eyebrow as he looked at the scans in front of him inquisitively. "Hold position," He started, raising his hand in a motion for the others to stop as well. Everyone came to a halt.

"We got movement out there. 500 meters" Lyle said, looking closer at the scans. "Charlie 1-2, holding position," Fyke said, walking at ground level without an Ampsuit. The soldiers all waited for a few seconds until the ground started to shake and rumble.

In the distance, a large group of Na'vi warriors in their Pa'li's were racing at the soldiers quickly. They were all releasing war cries as they charged at the front line of the group of soldiers that stood not too far back.

"Sir, the ground has movement! Fast approaching!" A man who monitored the ground team said to Quaritch, who walked over to the man and stood over his shoulder to see what was happening. The scans showed how quickly the Na'vi were approaching, much quicker than they had expected.

"Charlie Oscar, Rider section. Firing line! Targets closing. Range, 400 meters." Lyle said, making the soldiers without Ampsuits prepare their weapons and aim them at the incoming charge of warriors heading their way.

"Can't you clean it up?" Quaritch asked, seeing how their scans and monitors were glitching. They were in the Flux Vortex after all, so they should have expected it either way. "No, si4. It's the Flux" The man said, making Quaritch's eyebrows furrow in annoyance.

Without fear, the Na'vi on their direhorses continued to charge and rush directly toward the ground team. They raised their weapons in the air as they rode, yelling out battle cries. Norm was also riding along with this group of warriors, but he had a gun in hand instead of a bow and arrow like the rest.

Up in the air, seeing that the battle had begun, the Ikrans and their riders leaped off of the mountains and started following the lead of Jake while he rode Toruk. Jake had a rifle in his grip while his other hand held onto the reigns of the giant beast. You were right by his side, riding on Nana, while Tsu'Tey and Neytiri stayed on his other side riding their Ikrans.

Whilst you rode beside Jake, you looked back and saw your people flying right behind you. You raised your bow in the air and hooted and yipped. Tsu'Tey did the same thing.

"'eko! 'eko! 'eko!" (Attack! Attack! Attack!) Tsu'Tey yelled out, turning back to face the other Na'vi. War had begun and they had to be strong, fearless, and brave. As the Ikran riders approached the fleet, they began to separate their formation into a much more elaborate one that gave them leverage over the ships.

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