| Chapter 8 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

Now that Jake was completely ready, it was time for him to take the rite of passage every young hunter, or new in this case, needs to undergo. It was a day with clear skies in the Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora.

Jake, Tsu'Tey, and a few other young Na'vi were taking a path up one of the mountains. Each on their own Pa'li. The path up was narrow, making it hard for the direhorses to not accidentally let a hoove slip and let some rocks fall to the precipice.

Eventually, the group came upon a part of the path where they would no longer need to use their horses. There was a trail of floating rocks that were attached to vines, so that was the next part of the journey. Tsu'Tey, Jake, and the other hunters proceeded to dismount their Pa'li's so they could start to climb.

Learning to ride and Ikran, we call them banshees, is the test every young hunter has to pass. But to do that, you gotta go where the banshees are. Oo-rah.

"Za'u!" (Come!) Tsu'Tey instructed the young ones while Jake strayed off and looked up to see the path awaiting the group.

Soon enough, everyone was climbing their way up the vines with Tsu'Tey leading the group. It was treacherous terrain, but eventually, the group all reached the top of the floating rocks and when Jake arrived, he looked at Tsu'Tey for the next step. From what he could see, there was nowhere to cross or get to, so Jake was really confused at this point.

"Now what?" Jake asked, turning to Tsu'Tey. The future Olo'eyktan didn't say much but spoke in Na'vi to the other students. "Latsi!" (Keep up!) He said, preparing to jump onto the vines that were getting closer.

"Kivä ko!" (Let's go!) He said. When one vine was close enough, Tsu'Tey leaped and grabbed onto the nearest one. He was now hanging onto the vine and pulling himself off, prompting the other young hunters to do the same.

Jake was the last one, so when everyone was already climbing, he waited for the closest vine and finally jumped. He grabbed onto the vine and began making his way up, using every bit of strength that his muscles could give him.

As the men were approaching the test site where they were all supposed to choose their own Ikran and tame one, Y/n was riding her Ikran, Nana, up to the meeting place. Tsu'Tey had previously told her where the test would take place so she was making her way there as of right now

If she was being honest, on the way there, she began to think about Jake and their moment up in the tree near Grace's school. She was still angry at herself for not letting it happen, but it also made her realize that she did have undeniable feelings for Jake that she couldn't ignore any longer. You were deeply in love with him in a point of no return. He was the man you had been looking for, and you we're grateful for his existence every day.

What's sad is that after this test, she wouldn't have an excuse to be around him anymore and that saddened her, He would finally take the ritual to be part of the people and he would be free to be an Omaticaya Na'vi.

Y/n discussed her discomfort when she was at the Tree of Souls and connected her queue to one of the branches of the tree. Whenever she has a problem, Y/n turns to Neytiri or Eywa. This was a matter that Y/n wanted to talk about with her most precious deity, especially since she was the one who gave Y/n the sign that she was supposed to be with Jake, and not Tsu'Tey. Deep down, the connection you had to Jake ever since he arrived was something that would impact your future, but now, it was time to decide what it was you wanted.

After being able to pour her heart out to Eywa in the tree and relieving those thoughts off of her back that she wanted to confide in someone else, your hair glowed and Eywa's voice was heard in your head, then Y/n finally knew what to do. Once the ceremony of acceptance into the clan, he'll be able to choose a mate he'll be mated for life with, and she was sullen about that fact. If he picked someone else, she would have to live with the guilt of not doing something and telling him sooner.

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