| Chapter 1 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

Jake Sully, the younger brother of Tom Sully, is a 22-year-old ex-marine that was called upon by the RDA to finish his brother's mission in the Avatar program. Jake's brother was supposed to embark on a mission to Pandora, a world Jake grew up hearing about, but Tom was caught in a situation that eventually led to his death. It was all because of a mugger who only cared about what he was carrying, without knowing how much of a bright future the Sully brother had ahead of him.

After he agreed to take on the mission and the opportunity to take the position he was offered,  Jake boarded the ISV Venture Starship and spent the next six years in cryogenic sleep up to his arrival on the planet of Pandora.

When I was lying there in the VA hospital, with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, I started having these dreams of flying and seeing a girl. I was free and she was beautiful. It felt so real. Sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up.

Jake's eyes snapped open and saw that he was still in the metal tube that was transporting him through space. His pupils scanned his surroundings as he heard monitors around him beeping, checking his stability after a 6-year sleep in a capsule.

In Cryo, you don't dream at all. It doesn't feel like six years at all. More like a fifth of tequila and an ass-kicking

Realizing that he must have woken up because they had arrived at their destination, as if on cue, the capsule opened while his body gravitated from his bed, giving him the reality check he needed that reminded Jake he was indeed in outer space.

Tommy was the scientist, not me. He was the one who wanted to get shot light-years out into space to find the answers he wanted

A doctor with scrubs levitated and floated up above him to check his status and stability, making sure nothing went wrong on the trip. "Are we there yet?" Jake asked, making the doctor let out a small chuckle before saying; "Yeah, we're there sunshine. We're there" The doctor smiled down at the ex-marine.

As they prepped him, Jake started to remember how exactly he ended up in this predicament. He was called by agents to a crematorium, where they showed his brother in a body bag ready to be cremated. Tommy Sully is Jake's identical twin brother. By the looks of it, his sibling looked pale, lifeless, cold, and completely still.

It just so happened that a week before Tommy was going to ship out to Pandora, a guy with a gun ends his journey for the paper in his wallet.

The agents closed down the box he was in, covering back up the body of Tommy Sully, right about to be cremated. Jake looked at his brother solemnly before he was covered up completely, seeing him for the last time.

Taking him away from his thoughts, while other patients were being released from their capsules, the head doctor spoke up loud and clear for everyone to hear. "You've been in Cryo for five years, nine months, and 22 days. You will be hungry, and you will be weak! If you feel nausea, please use the sacks provided to you" He instructed.

Once Jake was out of his capsule, he floated up to the lockers with patients' belongings and he headed to the one that said 'T. Sully', which meant it was his brother's but Jake's things were stored in there for the meantime.

Tommy was the scientist, but not me. I'm just another dumb grunt going someplace he'd end up regretting. Now, up ahead was Pandora. You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured I'd be going there.

While preparing to disembark, Jake started to remember the words said to him back at the crematorium. "Your brother represented a significant investment. We'd like to talk to you about taking over his contract" One of the agents said, trying to explain the proposition they had for Jake while they inserted his brother into the chamber.

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