| Chapter 16 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language or Jake's inner thoughts or narration)

As soon as Jake heard your words, he smiled and exhaled with relief and a breathy laugh. In the distance, he could hear the screeching of thousands of Ikrans approaching from the mountains and the forest. Eywa truly had heard their pleas.

All of the banshees did not hesitate in heading towards all of the remaining fleets and aircrafts still in formation. The Ikrans took down the ships one by one, using their claws to damage the rotor blades and tails of the helicopters. The overwhelming amount of these ferocious flying creatures was too much for the pilots to handle, so they lost control of their ships and spiraled around in the air uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Jake continued to steer Toruk towards where most ships were concentrated in. "Come on!" He yelled with a growl, readying his gun in his hands and aiming it toward his targets with precision.

The Ikrans used their hunting instinctive nature the best to their advantage. The banshees proceeded to use their razor-sharp teeth to bite inside the ships and into the gunmen on the sides, sinking their teeth into their bodies and tossing them out of the ship.

Down in the forest, packs of Viperwolves appeared from every direction, racing directly towards the RDA soldiers, who were now attempting to retreat to their helicopters. As you watched from afar, you smirked to yourself. You weren't very vengeful, but seeing those men get what they deserved filled you with satisfaction. It serves them right.

Many of the Viperwolves were able to jump onto some soldiers and bite down on their bodies, killing them instantly. You and Neytiri left your spot behind the tree and raced toward where the Viperwolves were heading and fired arrow after arrow. We both yelled out war cries as we stayed in sync while firing the arrows with incredible precision.

While Neytiri continued ahead to fight alongside the Viperwolves, you jumped over a log and fired another arrow, hitting a soldier straight in the face. Before you could fire another one, a fully grown Palulukan jumped and emerged from the bushes and approached you slowly. You didn't let it intimidate you, and you looked at the animal with intrigue.

When it roared and hissed, it didn't phase you. You couldn't blame this animal for being defensive. Its home was being torn down, and it probably sees anything as an enemy, whether it was Na'vi or human. Surprisingly, the Palulukan lowered its fangs and lowered its head as it let out a low rumble, as a sign that it didn't recognize you as a threat. At the animals' actions, you smiled and exhaled slowly.

You approached it, and since it didn't make any aggressive movements or show any signs that it wanted you to back off, you connected your braid with its queue and created a bond. Feeling the animal's emotions inside and out, you could feel how much instant trust it had in you. With no hesitation, you guided it to where you wanted it to go and headed to battle.

Even after being disconnected from his Avatar body, Norm proceeded to leave the base in his human form with a gun in his grasp. He traveled through the jungle as his ragged breath hit his mask over and over. The adrenaline was truly wearing him out.

Quaritch was still in the same main ship as before. He truly was starting to be concerned about the sudden attack they received. He was beginning to think they were gaining the upper hand, but this was completely unexpected.

"Sir! All escorts are down or falling back!" The pilot said, and Quaritch's eyes widened. Things were starting to go downhill quickly. "Let's get this done. Valkyrie 1-6, this is Dragon. Press to target," He sneered, walking to watch what was happening outside of the ship.

"Copy, pressing to target. Stand by to drop. 30 seconds," The main pilot said, seeing that his vision was being clouded in the window because many Ikrans were invading it and not letting any visibility be possible. Their last trick up their sleeve was still the blocks of explosives that they had yet to activate.

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