Never go to a party with a criminal

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Winny's P.O.V.

Neverland? I've heard nothing of it. It seemed weird and it had a name that was so familiar, though I've never heard of a place like it before.

"Neverland? What is that, a bar? Puh-lease, I am not taking my little brother there!" I told him and he shook his head.

I had to take care of Jonas whether he liked it or not. I started to walk to Jonas' room, when Patch stopped me.

"Come on, it isn't a bar. It's where people have fun, practically not getting old. Young people only, no adults just us kids." He said and I shook my head.

I sighed and looked at Jonas' pleading face. He pouted up at me and I shook my head at him, pointing to his room.

"Just once, Winny. Pwease?" Jonas asked and I sighed.

Fine, just once, but if Jonas was going to be in trouble I would never trust Patch again.

"Lead the way, Patchy." I told him and he glared at me when I used a new name.

He then gave me a smile and brought out his phone, texting. Who was he calling.

"You really thought we'd walk there? No, I've got a ride." He said and slipped his phone back in his pocket.

In an instant a car was parked infront of our house and I gasped. That quick, huh?

I grew angrier when I saw who slipped out of it. That idiotic girl who had called me a bitch, Belle. She wore a green dress and had shades on, walking to the door.

No way, in hell.

Patch walked to the door to get it and there stood pure evil. I shook my head and Belle rolled her eyes at me.

"Come on, Patch let's go." She said and grabbed his elbow.

Patch stopped and turned to me.

"Belle, Winny's going with us tonight. She needs to have fun once in a while. I'm going to teach her." He said and took my hand.

I released it instantly and shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. I've told it to him before. I didn't like Belle at all.

"No Patch, there is no way in hell that I am getting on that thing with her, driving it." I told him and he frowned at both of us.

Belle gave me the famous finger and waved it at me. Uggh, did she expect that to change my mind? No way.

"Hello." Jonas muttered from behind me and Belle rolled her eyes.

"I hate children." She muttered and I gasped.

How could anyone hate Jonas? I mean Patch liked him! How could she hate him. Oh right, she was evil.

Jonas hid behind Patch and Patch ruffled his hair. Patch gave her a look and she smiled sweetly at him, obviously sarchastic.

"Come on, it's now or never." She said and saw Jonas walking out the door with us.

She instantly shook her head and took his arm, backing him up. Nobody touches my brother!

"Sorry kid. You are not going. Go back to your mommy or something." She said and smiled menacingly at him.

Jonas pouted at her and Patch lifted him off the ground.

"He's coming with us, Belle. Nobody's watching him here." Patch told her and she turned to me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and took Jonas from Patch.

"No, I will. Just go, Patch." I told him and he shook his head.

He lifted me in his arms with Jonas still settled in mine and I thrashed around. Was he forcefully kidnapping me?

"Come on, Belle. Take us to Dusty." He said and Belle rolled her eyes, closing the door behind her.

Dusty? Who the hell was Dusty?

"There she is. We can't go to Neverland without Dusty." He said and motioned towards the car.

Dusty was a car? I thought I was meeting one of his obnoxious friends again. Oh well, here we go.

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