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Winny's P.O.V.

5 years later.....

5 years earlier everything went according to plan.

James, Teddy and Sam were all arrested for the reasons you all know they were. James finally confessed to murdering all those innocent men and he was finally given the punishment he deserved.

It has been years since Belle's death and Lily could never forget about that day that I told her about it. Belle was Lily's only sister and sibling. Belle was like a mother to her when her parents were always out of the house.

Also, Patch left without saying goodbye. According to the lost boys he didn't tell them anything.

He didn't tell me anything.

Ever since Patch left, Lily had taken care of Neverland. She was now the one in charge and she ran things perfectly, since she was the only one left to take charge.

Each of the Lost boys have fortunately gotten their dream jobs and they're all thankfully happy with each other.

We still do meet each other once in a while though. We talk about our past and all the things we used to do before.

I had just finished college and I actually got a job as a writer. I loved to read books and well, I could finally say that I got my dream job. I didn't want anyone to know the real me so I had a pen name.


I know that it was the name Patch had given me five years ago, but it was the only thing I could think of, even though Patch and I broke up.

Well that's what I assumed.

It has been five years since Patch left me, well us without saying goodbye. Not even the Lost Boys knew where he was. They all had gotten different jobs and I am happy to say that we are all successful.

I moved on from Patch also, but something tells me that I'll always love him. I mean I'm still wearing his ring.

I wonder where he was now. Did he have a girlfriend? A wife? Kids?

I walk into my house and sigh. Finally home from work.

I bought this house myself actually. I moved out last year and I wasn't alone. I actually have company.

"Mama!" I hear and I smile at the sound.

Oh my little girl! She's turning four tomorrow and I can't believe she's gotten so big. She can walk on her own now.

"She's been good today. She looks more and more like you each day." My mom says as she walks out of my room.

My mom usually babysits her when I go to work. She doesn't mind, she loves her grandchild just as much as I do.

"That's good. Thanks for taking care of her." I say and give my mom a kiss on the cheek.

She smiles and nods, walking out the door.

"You are so beautiful. I love you so much, Jane. I'll never ever leave you, okay?" I tell her and she nods as I tickle her and she giggles.

Not like how he left you.

I ignore my conscience and continue to play with her. I thought that I had moved on from him, but I haven't.

The year he left was the year that I found out I was pregnant.

We weren't too careful when we were at his island and well, five years later here I am. I'll never regret having Jane and I guess that she's the greatest thing that Patch left me.

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