Never go to a vacation with a criminal

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Winny's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday to you." Someone whispers before they plant a kiss just beside my ear.

I giggle softly before I feel Patch shift to his side of the bed, and I drift off to sleep.

I still hadn't forgotten about what he did for me today. He had brought my brothers back to me and trusted them not to tell anyone, as I knew they would.

Patch Peters makes me very happy.

. . .

"Psst Birdy, Birdy." I hear someone nudge me and I shift back into my pillows and comforter.

There was no way Patch was going to wake me up, I was in a deep deep state of sleep and there was no way he was going even make me rise up an inch.

"Mmmm, go have breakfast without me. I'm not hungry." I mumble and I hear him chuckle before he sighs.

It stays quiet a little before I hear Patch sigh again and I feel him nudge me shoulder again.

"Well, do you want to go on a trip?" I hear him ask, and I shake my head.

A trip? To where? And how were we going to change our location without one of my parent's body guards to spot one of us.

"No." I simply mumbled and snuggled back into the comforter.

I hear silence and knew I've won. Yay! Victory for me! Two more hours to sleep for you, Winny!

"Well, that's too bad because we're already on our way there." Patch says and lets out a chuckle.

Wait.... already on our way there? What the hell was he talking about?

I immediately bolted up from my spot, viewing my surroundings. I was actually in the passenger's seat of some random luxury looking car and surrounded by a nest of pillows and blankets to make me feel as if I was still at home. We were currently driving somewhere and I gasped, looking at Patch.

"Patch! What if we get caught?! What if we get caught by one of my parents' guards? You'll go to jail! My parents probably told them that you kidnapped me or something." I tell him and start to get teary eyed.

The thought of Patch in jail and myself all alone in my room, is worth the tears guys seriously.

"Hey shhhh, don't cry. Nobody is getting caught okay? Besides, we're going really far." Patch says, as he steers the wheel with one hand and the other is stroking my head.

I nod against his shoulder and hear something coming from the back seat.

"Are we there yet?" I hear someone ask and gasp when I see who it is.


"J-jonas? Am I dreaming. Yes, I am so dreaming, anytime now Patch will be in green tights and will fly us away." I say mostly to myself and everything turns silent.

I see that Patch is wearing a confused face and raises an eyebrow.

"Green tights? Birdy, I don't own a single pair of tights, and if I did why the hell would they be green?" He asks and looks back at the road.

I shrug and stare at Jonas as he stretches and yawns, cuddling his teddy bear.

This seemed surreal. When did Patch get Jonas, and where was Mike?

"Mike?" I ask Patch and he sighs, locking his jaw.

Was he angry or something? I was just curious.

"Mike isn't hear. He's got something obviously better and senseless to do." Patch says and rolls his eyes, as Jonas snores.

I turn to Jonas as I see that his eyes are now opened and his arms are stretched towards me. I smile at him and pick him up from the back seat. I remove my seat belt and secure it back on the both of us.

"I missed you Sissy! Can I visit your pillow nest?!" Jonas says as he eyes the pillows and comforter that surrounded me.

I nod and he jumps into my arms, enclosing his teddy in his own.

"You know Patch, real or not Mike is my brother. Be nice, okay? What has he ever done to you?" I ask and he sighs, ignoring me and looking back at the road.

I hear him mumble something under his breathe, but I don't want to fight right now, especially since Jonas was here.

I sigh and drift off to sleep.

. . .

"Psst, Birdy? Wake up." I hear Patch whisper and I immediately open my eyes.

I sit up straight with Jonas already wiggling in my arms and I see where we are.

We're not in Patch's car anymore. We were on a boat that I was guessing was huge because I couldn't even see the outside of it.

"Come on, let's get to the house." Patch says and offers his hand.

How the hell did we get here?

I shrug and take his hand, as he lifts me up as I gasp. He chuckles a bit and kisses the top of my head.

"Where are we, Patch?" I ask and he brings me up to the upper deck of the boat.

The light shines in my eyes as I see that we're surrounded by the light blue water of the ocean. I gasp and see Jonas sitting on a bench with the lost boys.

"Winny! You're here! Isn't this amaaaazing?!" Jonas says and the lost boys and I chuckle at his fascination.

I turn back to Patch to see that he's already smiling down at me.

"I don't quite know where we are at the moment. The ocean isn't mine, but the island is." He tells me and my eyes widen.

The island? Where the hell did Patch get all the money for this? Especially an island?!

"Are you stuffed with money or something?! How the hell do you afford an island?!" I ask him and he sets me down on my feet.

"I'll have to talk to you about that later when we finally arrive. Jonas looks like he wants to tell you about the whole trip." Patch says with a frown and slowly walks away.

That was weird. Why was he acting all glum all of a sudden?

Well, one thing's for sure. This was going to be a memorable trip.

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