Never say yes to a proposal at 19

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Winny's P.O.V.

I guess I got my wish. It seemed as if we were never leaving this place.

It's been four weeks, almost a month and I wondered if my parents were worried about Jonas at all.

My parents.

They were obviously worried about me, well...enraged with me. They weren't the stereotypical parents who would forgive me if I came back after months. They'd get mad and probably arrest Patch.

The thought made me sick, I rushed to the bathroom, throwing up all the thoughts that troubled me.

"Winny! Why are you at the toilet? That's weird." I hear Jonas ask me and I instantly put a smile on my face.

I wipe my mouth instantly with some tissue and shake my head.

"Umm, nothing. I just ate something bad. I'm better now actually." I tell him and he frowns at me, looking as if he wasn't buying it.

He points towards the door and looks worried.

"I'm going to tell Patchy, you're at the toilet!" Jonas says and dashes out the room.

Oh no! Patch would treat it as if it's a big deal. I didn't want him treating me as fragile as I already am.

"Jonas, no!" I tell him and race after him.

I run out of the room and see Jonas running up to Patch, who was laughing about something with the boys.

He instantly turns to Jonas and before he could open his mouth, I scoop him up in my arms and let out a laugh.

"No more chocolate for you, Jonas. You're so energetic! You got me so tired." I tell him and rock him side to side as he pouts at me.

Patch gives me a skeptical look, his eyes widen right after he sees me and stands up, taking off his shirt and handing it to me.

"Your body is beautiful, birdy, but it is only mine, yes?" Patch asks and I gasp as I realize that I'm only in my underwear.

Oh God!

I transfer Jonas to Patch's arms and slip on Patch's shirt. I love Patch's shirt, since they're so comfy to put on.

When I'm done placing on my shirt, I see Jonas whispering into Patch's ear and I shake my head at Jonas, freaking out.

Patch didn't need to know I was sick. He'd be more protective than he already is.

"You're sick? Jonas told me he found your head in a toilet." Patch says and I shake my head.

"No, I was cleaning the toilet. Jonas over reacts sometimes." I tell Patch and Jonas pouts at me.

I know Jonas, he wanted me to feel better too. It's just that I didn't want anyone to overreact.

Patch sighs, nodding.

"Probably something you ate last night. If it happens again, I'm taking you to a hospital. Go get some rest." Patch says and I shake my head.

Nothing is wrong with me gosh, I feel fine. I sigh and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry." I tell him and he nods, walking to his friends again, as he passes Jonas to me.

I guess I had to talk about when we were going home, later.

. . .

We were outside, sitting around a campire, roasting marshmallows and chatting.

"Where do you picture yourself in the future, Rufus?" I ask him and he smiles, staring at his twin brother.

He wraps an arm around his brother, ruffling his hair.

"I don't know, but I think I'll be with this fella. Anywhere I'll go, I bet Rocco would be there." Rufus says with a sigh and Rocco gasps at him.

"Oh please, you're saying that as if it's a bad thing." Rocco says and shoves a marshmallow in his mouth.

Rufus stares at his brother's stuffed face.

"It is." He says and Rocco glares at him, tackling his brother to the ground.

I laugh at them, as everyone else does too.

"And where would you be, Patch?" I ask him and he grins, kissing me on my nose.

He takes the marshmallow he's roasting, blowing it a few times, and shoves it in his mouth.

"Me? I'll probably be changing poopy diapers, I guess." He says and I sigh.

Poopy diapers? Why would he be doing that? Did he have a pooping problem?

"And why would you be doing that?" I ask him and he lets out a laugh.

He gives me a smile and seriously looks down at me.

"In the future, I picture a lot of mini yous running around. I want them all to look like you, and I want atleast five of them. We won't have them after marriage of course." He says naturally, as if that wouldn't freak me out.

Marriage? Where the hell was he going with this?

"Patch? What do you mean?" I ask him and everyone turns quiet, as he brings out something from his pocket.

Oh God, is it really what I think it is?

Oh Patch.

"Okay they usually go down on one knee right?" Patch asks and I slowly nod.

Was this really happening? Was this going too fast?

He goes down on one knee and takes my hand.

"Okay so they usually start with the girl's full name so, Winny whateveryourmiddlenameis Darcy, I know we're so young. I know I only met you this year, but please. We don't have to get married now, I just want to know that someday we would. I want to know that I'd be watching you walk down some aisle somewhere towards me, and that you'd be my bride. Marry me, birdy?" He asks me and I gasp.

Patch Peters wanted to marry me? Oh God, what do I do?

I could literally feel the dead silence from everyone. They probably didn't know he'd do this.

"It's Jane." I tell him and he gives me a confused look.

I probably shouldn't have said that now.

"Jane? Is that in a different language that means yes?" Patch asked and I let out a laugh.

Weirdo. I shake my head and his smile drops.

"No, it's my second name. You didn't know what my second name was. It's Jane." I tell him and he nods.

"Lovely name, let's name our first daughter Jane." He says and I let out a laugh.

He was so eager, what the hell? I didn't picture Patch as the settle down kind of guy. But I guess I'll say....

"Yes!" I tell him and he gives me a confused look.

"Wait yes to naming our daughter Jane or marrying me?" He asks and I smile widely at him, placing both hands on his cheeks.

"Both!" I say and lean in to kiss him, cheers surrounding us.

I was hoping that I'd never regret this.

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