Never bring your sad sister to dinner

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*Pic of Mike there.

Mike's P.O.V.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

This was it.

Why the hell did Lily have to tell her parents about her being kidnapped? At the end of the story, Lily made it seem as if I was the hero when in truth, Patch was and I merely got to her at the end of Patch and James' fight....well kissing her.

"You look fine, Darcy. Just fine. Don't worry they'll love you." I tell my reflection in the mirror and sigh.

I was currently getting ready for dinner with the Turners. Lily was a very nice person, but Belle wasn't so much. I kind of wished that her Lily got her kindness from her parents and not Belle's scroogeness from them.

It'd be horrifying.

My whole family would be there, well just Winny, Jonas and I. My parents couldn't make it like they always didn't.

Well, it was fine with me. I didn't need them to know about the kidnapping and stuff. They'd be too overprotective of me and Winny too.

I walk down the stairs and see that Winny is looking at herself in the mirror. She looks good I guess, as she adjusts her red dress and fixes her curled hair.

She sees me looking at her through the mirror and sighs, plastering on a smile that I know is fake for some reason.

Uggh, what did Peters do this time?

"You okay? You don't seem like you are? It's fine if you stay home, I won't mind." I tell her and she lets out a short laugh, shaking her head.

She turns around to look at me and and gives me another fake smile. She only acted like this when I asked her to hang out and she had a lot of homework to do, but didn't tell me.

"Umm, yeah I'm fine. I don't have to stay here, Mikey. I'd love to meet Lily's parents with you. I'm sure you need all the support you could get. I mean what if their snobs like Belle?" She asks, giving me a gagged look, sticking her tongue out.

I let out a laugh and she laughs along with me, and I nod.

Winny may not be my real sister, but I look at her as if she is. I couldn't ask for a better sister. I loved her too much.

"On second thought, yeah. You shouldn't stay home. I'll need someone to take my side when Lily's parents probably tell me that I'm no good." I tell her and she sighs, shaking her head.

Winny walks to me, continuing to shake her head. She reaches for my undone tie and starts to tie it, just like what she does with Jonas everytime he had a special event.

"You are not no good Mike. Lily is very lucky to have you, and you are very lucky to have her. You two are literally meant for each other. Never separate okay. Fight for her no matter what. Fight for what you want, okay Mike? " She says and suddenly frowns.

I nod at her. Why was she getting sad all of a sudden? This was obviously about Patch. She finishes doing my tie and sighs, patting my chest a bit and looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll talk about what you're so down about after dinner. I know you're upset Winny, I know you. Don't even try and deny it." I tell her and she shakes her head.

Before she could deny what I said, Jonas runs into the room and is in his little suit, clinging onto Winny's leg.

"Winny! Do I look like a broom now?!" Jonas asks her and she gigges at him.

Winny picks Jonas up and he wraps his arms around her neck. She shakes her head and taps his nose.

"It's groom Jonas, not broom." She tells him and I let out a laugh.

Jonas was such a weirdo sometimes, but he was creative too.

He nods in wonder and she adjusts her dress. Jonas gives Winny a kiss on the cheek and smiles at her.

"You're so pretty sissy! I told my classmates that nobody is as pretty as my sissy!" Jonas says and Winny smiles down at him.

I sigh and we all go to my car, me feeling nervous for later. What if her parents won't like me?

Oh damn it, that wouldn't stop me from seeing her, I shouldn't care at all. If they didn't like me for their daughter, then fuck it. I wouldn't care.

. . .

"Mike, we've been driving around in circles. What's wrong. Now stop here, before you skip it again." Winny says as I see that we're infront of her house, for the fourth time.

I didn't know I'd be this nervous. I mean I was Mike Darcy, the lady's man of the school, and now I'm nervous of some girl's parents?

I sighed and stopped the car, parking in the drive way. This was it I guess.

"Wow, you actually stopped. I didn't know you would and we'd be going in a fifth circle." Winny says and I see Jonas nod.

I let out a shrug and open the car door, locking it afterwards and walking to the front door of her house.

Before I could knock, the door suddenly swings open and I see a middle aged couple standing at the door.

Oh no.

"You must be Mike?" The couple says and they look at Winny and Jonas who was cuddling some toy bear he had in his arms.

The toy bear's head was off of its body for some reason. What the hell Jonas?!

"What have you got there?" The woman asks and gets Jonas' teddy from him.

She examines the head and body weirdly and Jonas frowns at her.

"He accidentally had a boo boo. I was getting in the car, when suddenly my bear's neck gets sliced off. Then Teddy's head is gone." Jonas says and cries into Winny's shoulder.

Winny gives the couple an embarassed look and the woman shakes her head, patting Jonas on the back.

"No, no. Teddy will be okay, right Andy?" She asks the man next to her and he nods.

Jonas faces the woman and she smiles at him. She wipes his tears and shows Jonas the bear.

"It's alright I'll get him fixed okay?" She says and Jonas suddenly beams, hugging her.

The woman smiles at him and Jonas smiles widely.

"You will?! Oh thank you very much lady!" Jonas says and the woman lets out a laugh.

"Oh please, call me India." She says and Jonas nods.

I was guessing that this was going to be a lovely dinner.

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