17 / birthday

637 22 1

If you dance, I'll dance



Just a few more chapters left before this book is finished!


"Alice? Alice!" Enid tried gently shaking Alice out of her slumber with no use. "Hey, Alice?"

The girl hummed something in response but refused to open her eyes. She pulled up her blanket closer to her face, only leaving her eyes and nose out. Enid saw this wasn't working and she wasn't ready to drag her out of bed, especially while holding her birthday cupcake with a lit-up candle.

Enid stood up from the bed and sighed in defeat. "God, Alice, you leave me no choice. Alice, wake up, you're late for class!"

It took less than a second for Alice to jolt up from her pillow with a gasp. "What? What? What time is it?" She began to look around for her clock before her eyes landed on Enid. "Oh, Enid, you didn't have to..."

"Happy birthday-" Enid began to sing but Alice immediately cut her off.

"Oh, no, no birthday song," The girl said, sitting up in her bed. "It's always awkward and shit. I don't know what to do during it."

Enid chuckled at her answer and came in closer to her. "Make a wish."

Alice took her time to think of a worth-it wish, not wanting to waste it on something stupid. After she was sure of her answer and Enid's patience was running out, Alice blew out the small candle to Enid's cheers.

"What did you wish for?" The blonde quickly asked.

"I wish I could tell you, but then it wouldn't happen, dear Enid," Alice joked sarcastically. "Come on, let's get ready for class."

Alice stood up from her bed and walked over to the bathroom with Enid following her from behind. "So," Enid leaned against the bathroom door frame and watched over Alice, washing her face in the sink. "What's the plan for today? Are you and Tyler going anywhere special or maybe doing anything special?"

"I thought we were," Alice replied, drying off her face with a towel and looking at Enid in the mirror. "But he said he couldn't, he said there was something going on with him and he's busy."

"Oh," Enid felt bad for Alice because of how badly she was left alone on her birthday - the one day in the year. "I'm sorry, do you want to do something tonight though? Or do you already have something else planned with Nancy?"

"Don't worry, I don't," Alice turned around and leaned against the sink. "We can do something tonight. Maybe have a movie night or something?"

"It's your birthday," Enid pointed at her. "You decide."


No one at Nevermore dared to wish Alice a happy birthday, talking to a normie was already considered ridiculous. Even though she got some stares from fellow students, it never bothered her. Which is why Alice went on with her day like nothing until Ms. Thornhill's class came.

The second Alice stepped through her classroom door's threshold along with others, Marilyn spotted her in the group of students and walked over to the girl with open hands. "Happy birthday, Alice!" The two embraced each other in a hug.

"Thank you, Ms. Thornhill, that's very kind of you." Alice happily said.

"I have something for you," Ms. Thornhill excitedly took a few steps back to her table and took a flower vase filled with begonias. "It's not very big, but it has a meaning. And plus, I have a ton of these here."

I'VE GOT MY EYE ON YOU, tyler galpinWhere stories live. Discover now