20 / suffer

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It doesn't matter, now it's all gone


"Alice...Bardot for Galpin?" A police officer called as he walked into the waiting room with a bunch of other visitors. Some were moms with children, waiting to see their fathers, some were lonely wives, wishing to see their husbands, but Alice stuck out to everyone like a sore thumb as the only woman by herself. That's why when the police officer called out her name, his eyes immediately landed on her.

There's nothing more hurtful in this world than being betrayed by someone you trusted

Alice stood up from her seat, walked over to the police officer, and put her hands up. The policeman took a metal detector and began to scan her body for any metal or sharp objects. Alice was told to leave all of her belongings in the locker room before to avoid problems at this stage, that's why she was let through so easily.

Maybe I actually was a naive bitch to believe him

The police officer opened the door for her, letting her walk into the visiting room. The room itself was big with tables going across the place and chairs being put on both sides. There were already people talking with others, but all inmates had handcuffs and chains on the seats, not allowing them to move.

Maybe I believed that stupid thing, called love, too much

Alice scanned the room with her eyes, looking for him until her look met his. Tyler sat at one of the tables, but when he saw Alice, he could feel his body tense up and his breath hitch at her presence. He hadn't seen her for weeks and the last time he did see her was her dying in front of him in the forest.

But I still loved Tyler

The girl walked over to him, not breaking eye contact with the boy, and carefully sat down in front of him, slightly wincing in pain and putting her hand on her side. Flashbacks from that night instantly came to Tyler's mind, making him feel guilty almost instantly.

And because he's my first love

The two stared at each other in silence, neither of them daring to speak up and start the conversation. The eye contact was strong and Alice loved seeing Tyler so anxious and scared, she wanted him to suffer.

I'll always love him

"Don't look at me like that, Alice," Tyler uncomfortably shifted as much as he could in his seat, even though that wasn't really possible because of the chains.

"Like what?" Alice immediately answered him in a harsh voice tone. "Like you didn't just kill my aunt and almost kill me?" Tyler stayed silent, not willing to say anything back. "You're a monster, Tyler, you belong here with all the other sociopaths."

He gave me hope and love when I needed it most

Tyler looked at Alice with sorrow and regret in his eyes full of tears. "Alice, I'm sorry-"

"Don't bother apologizing, Tyler," Alice quickly cut him off again. "Because I still wish it was you who died that night. I hope you rot in this place and suffer the way I had to suffer." She pointed at her chest, feeling the tears begin to form in her eyes.

And he broke me the most when I least expected it

 "Alice, please," Tyler tried to gain enough strength to say something. "The only thing I want in this world is for us to still be."

"I don't care about what you want," Alice said through gritted teeth. "You deserve nothing."

He made me feel alive for the first time

Tyler looked deeply into her eyes, wishing to find that love he once saw, but seeing anger instead. "I want...this," He pointed at himself and her. "You don't get it, but I've never regretted anything as much as I do about this. I still want...it."

Alice scoffed at his words. "Okay, then give me one reason why I shouldn't get rid of 'it'?" She mockingly copied his movements by pointing at herself and him.

"How...how can you even ask such a question?" Tyler's voice quivered.

But he also took the person that raised me away from me

"Answer me!" Alice yelled in frustration, holding herself from slapping him and walking out of the place.

"Because I want to do it..." Tyler told her in a whisper. "With you."

Alice leaned back in her chair in disbelief and chuckled. "You're insane, Tyler. I can't believe you would think I still might want to do something with you, don't you understand? I want you dead!"

He was my biggest dream and worst nightmare 

All Tyler could do was look at Alice and see what kind of damage he did to her. He broke her beyond repair and wasn't even able to take responsibility for it.

Tyler is a devil in disguise, but an angel at heart

"If I could kill right now, I would, believe me," Alice lowered her voice, making herself sound more menacing. "I killed Marilyn and I would gladly do it again to you." She crossed her hands on her chest and leaned in closer. "Let me ask you a simple question, Tyler...are you happy now?"

He might think he has a chance at doing something again

Tyler shook his head and looked down at the ground in tears. "N...no, I-I don't Alice...I was happy with you."

He either isn't the same now as he was before or Alice was seeing his true self. She felt confused, baffled, and disgusted all at once. "Well, forget it. Because I'll make sure you stay behind these four walls for the rest of your pathetic life."

Seeing me again or stepping foot back at Jericho

Alice stood up from her seat and put her hands on the table, leaning in closer to him. "I will make sure you suffer every minute of it, the way you deserve it."

She stood up from the table and nodded to the guard that she was done. Tyler began to squirm in his seat, yelling and shouting at her. "No, Alice, please! Alice! Alice!"

But don't worry, Tyler

Alice walked through the room and stopped at the exit, looking back at Tyler one last time to see him being detained by guards. She smiled to herself in pleasure, walking out of the mental hospital and powerfully slamming the door on her way outside.

I've got my eye on you.


the end

I'VE GOT MY EYE ON YOU, tyler galpinWhere stories live. Discover now