Chapter 47

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Jasmine's POV

Today's Tuesday August 14th. It's 7pm. School starts next week. The rumble is in two weeks. I can't stop thinking about both of those. There gonna happen so fast. I hope we're all rest for both things. Am a little worried about the rumble though. What if the greasers don't win? What happens if the Socs win? Is something gonna happen to me if the greasers don't win? All these thoughts were running through my head. What if everything goes wrong? I hope everything starts to make sense soon. Am at the Curtis house with Johnny and Soda. I don't know where the rest of the gang is at. I can't believe am gonna to be a 12th grader this year! It's gonna be so exciting! Johnny is out of school now. Am glad he's still in Tulsa. Once Kate is 18 she can date Johnny. I just want her to be happy. I always have wanted her to be happy. I know that Johnny is her favorite character. Am really surprised I got together with my favorite character. I really feel happy with Soda. I kissed Soda on the cheek. "Do you guys wanna do something?" I asked. "Let's go for a walk" said Johnny. "I think that's a good idea" said Soda. With that we all left the house. It was really quiet right now. It felt a little too quiet. Kinda like someone was watching us. A few minutes later I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Bob. "What are you doing here Bob?" I asked. "Go back to the Curtis house. It isn't safe right now" said Bob. "Well am going for a walk right now and am not turning around until Johnny and Soda want to go back home" I said. Bob sighed. I walked over to Soda. "What did Bob want?" Johnny asked. "He said it isn't safe right now" I said. "That's cause it isn't" someone said in front of us. I looked forward and of course Bob was standing there. I rolled my eyes. "What's going on Bob?" Johnny asked. "If you continue walking you cause will get jumped" said Bob. "I wish you told me that before" I said. "Whoever these Socs are we can handle them" said Soda. "Are you sure you wanna deal with Socs Soda?" I asked. "Of course I do. They don't scare me anymore" said Soda. "Okay then. I guess we're continuing our walk" I said. "Am sorry but I can't let you guys pass. Am so tried of each of you getting hurt. Especially Jasmine" said Bob. "I don't mind getting hurt. Now get out of our way" I said. I tried getting pass him but he grabbed my arm. "I told you your not getting pass me so go home now" said Bob raising his voice. He let go of me. "Bob,she has a life. You can't control what she does" said Soda. "That's true but I can stop her from getting hurt" said Bob. "Let's just turn around. He's not letting us pass" I said. "I agree. Let's just go. We can try again later" said Johnny. "Okay fine" said Soda. With that we started heading back to the house. I wonder who was gonna jump us if we continued our walk.

Bob's POV

I was flying around when I saw Jay and his gang. I over heard them say that they were going to jump the first people they see. They were hoping they'd be able to jump Jasmine though. I was Jasmine,Pony,and Soda a few yards away. I told Jasmine that it wasn't safe to be out but she said she wouldn't go back home unless Soda and Johnny want to. I sighed then flew in front of them and said that they were going to get jumped but of course Soda said that he could handle them. Jasmine tried to walk pass me but I grabbed her arm and told her that she's not getting pass me and to go home. Soda said that she has a life and I can't control her and I said that I can stop her from getting hurt. They all left soon after. Am glad they finally left but am worried they'll come back out later. I hope they don't come back out. I flew back over to Jay to see if he was jumping some other people and sure enough he was. He was jumping a few greasers. I showed myself then him and his gang left. I turned around and the greasers thanked me then ran away. I didn't really know who they were but that doesn't matter. Am not always gonna save greasers cause I still hate them. I'll probably always save Jasmine's friends though. I teleported back to my house after that.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you have a good day! Happy New Years Eve! Stay Gold

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