Jasmine's POV
Today's Friday August 3rd. Am still at Ryan's house. Yeah that's right. I found out yesterday that this was Ryan's house. At least my sister is safe right now. I don't know what I'd do without her. Peter isn't here yet. Ryan is the only one here so far. I walked over to the kitchen to find him making something. I walked over to him and put my arms on his shoulders. "Hey Ryan" I said. "Well damn you scared me" said Ryan. "Oh am sorry. I was hoping you'd let me go" I said sweetly hoping he'd let me go. "Nice try. That's not happening" said Ryan. "Oh come on. I don't think you want me here anyway" I said. "Actually I do want you here" said Ryan. "Are you sure your not only saying that because you don't want Peter to get you in trouble?" I asked. "Trust me sweetheart,if I didn't want you here I would've let you go last night" said Ryan. "I don't know who you trust anymore" I said. I let go of him then tried to walk away but he grabbed. "Aw I really liked it when you had your hands on me" said Ryan. "Just let me go and we can pretend none of this ever happened" I said. "Like I said before. Am not letting you go" said Ryan. He held a frim grip on me. "Can you at least let go of me?" I asked. I heard him laugh then he took me upstairs to a bedroom. He took me to the bed and put me on the ground. I saw that he had rope in his hand. He tied me up to the bedframe. My wrists were starting to hurt. He must have tied me up really tight. "Once Peter gets here he can decide what to do with you. Until then I'll see you when he gets here" said Ryan. He left the room and slammed the door shut. Why is this happening to me? I started crying. I wish all this stuff wasn't happening to me. I kept wondering what I did to deserve this. I've gotten kidnapped too many times to count,my friends keep on getting hurt,and somehow I got into this world by a dream. Nothing seems to add up so far. After about two hours some people walked in the room. I looked up to see Peter and Ryan grinning at me. "Hey Jasmine" said Peter. "Don't talk to me Peter" I said. "I can talk to you as much times as I want" said Peter. "Why don't you guys go bother someone else" I said. "We'd rather deal with you" said Peter. Peter walked closer to me and kneeled down across from me. "You better get used to staying here cause we're never letting you go and if we decide to move your coming with us" said Ryan. "Am not gonna let that happen" I said. "We'll see about that" said Ryan. Peter grabbed my chin. "Get ready to feel pain sweetheart" said Peter. He forced me to look at him while Ryan was beating me up. I tried to look away multiple of times but Peter kept on tightening up on my chin. Every time I closed my eyes he'd slap me across the face and tell me to open them. After about a minute I just decided to keep my eyes open and didn't try to look away. Ryan was beating me up for about a half an hour. When Ryan stopped beating me up,Peter finally let go of my chin. My whole body was aching. I was probably bleeding and I probably had lots of bruises. I hope I didn't have a broken bone. "Now if Bob shows up I'll just to tell him that I'd he tries to take you or something I'll kill you" said Peter. "So I guess your plan is working then" I said. "I guess so" said Peter. "Your better not tell your friends either" said Ryan. "I wasn't planning to" I said. "Good" said Ryan. My version started going in and out. I think I was about to pass out. "Yo she looks like she's about you pass out. That wasn't part of the plan" said Peter. "I know that. I didn't mean for this to happen" said Ryan. I blacked out after that.
Kate's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about Jasmine. It's 2pm. I hope we'll be able to see her today. I'd rather her be with Bob then Peter. Peter better not have hurt her or anyone that was there yesterday. Am really missing her. I feel like getting jumped right now. Maybe that's what I deserve. Although I don't think Jasmine or Johnny well like that. I hope something bad happens to me. I hope me and Jasmine are able to go back to our world soon so we would stop getting hurt. I left the Curtis house and ran to the drive-ins. I saw Randy's Mustang and I ran over to it. I saw Randy talking to his gang. I knocked on his window and he rolled down his window. "Hey Kate. Are you okay?" Randy asked. "Ryan kidnapped me and Jasmine saved me from him and now am pretty sure he has Jasmine with him right now. Peter set it all up. She got kidnapped last night" I said. "Wait what? Please don't tell me your making this up?" said Randy. "Am not making this up. Please don't go over to Ryan's house cause am worried they'll hurt her more. Yeah I know I said Ryan's house and that's because Ryan kidnapped me and took me to his house and kept me tied up until Jasmine showed up and the reason I know it was him is because after Jasmine here,him and whoever else kidnapped me took off there masks" I said. Randy nodded then drove away. I hope he wasn't going to tell the police or go to Ryan's house.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you have a good day! Stay Gold

Reality Now
FanfictionHey readers! This is Jasmine Jewels. So the last you heard in my other book is that I got kidnapped by a ghost on Halloween and I was staying with him for a couple of days. Well am going to tell you about what happened on summer break. Hey guys! Thi...