Jasmine's POV
Today's Saturday August 11th. I was walking alone right now. I was thinking about what happened yesterday. I really hope the gang and any other greaser that's participating in the rumble are ready for September 1st. I really hope everything goes well that day. I went to Bucks for awhile and talked to him then headed over to the west side of town and sat down on a bench at a random park I happened to come upon. I know it's risky doing this but I don't care if I get jumped at this point. Bob better not try and save me. A few minutes later I heard someone sit next to me. I looked to my left to see Jack. I rolled my eyes then turned the other way. Jack grabbed my chin and made me face him. "Nice to see ya on the west side of town Jasmine" said Jack. "Leave me alone Jack" I said. "I would expect your on my side of town so I don't really feel like leaving you alone. You shouldn't have came over here" said Jack. I stood up and said "Your so lucky I don't wanna fight right now". I walked away from him. "I can move the Rumble to tomorrow you know!" Jack shouted. I stopped walking. I heard Jack walk over to me. "If you don't listen to me I'll make sure the rumble happens tomorrow" said Jack. "You can't do that" I said. "Actually I can sense I said a rumble is going to happen. I thought of the date and everything" said Jack. "Do what you want I guess" I said. I started fast walking back to the east side of town. I know I said I wouldn't mind getting jumped but I didn't want to run into Jack. I went to the Curtis house and stayed there for awhile.
Dally's POV
I just walked into the Curtis house to see Jasmine sitting on the couch. I walked over to her and sat next to her. "Hey Jasmine" I said. "Hi Dally" said Jasmine. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah am fine" said Jasmine. "You don't seem fine" I said. "Well I am" said Jasmine. I sighed. "Whatever you say honey" I said. "Don't call me that" said Jasmine. "I can call you whatever I want" I said. Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Have you seen Johnny?" I asked. "No" said Jasmine. "Okay" I said. I wish Johnny was here right now. I wonder what he's up to. Just then Johnny walked through the door and sat down next to me. I looked at him. "Hi Johnnycake" I said. "Hi Dally" said Johnny. "Where were you?" I asked. "I was at the lot" said Johnny. "Are you sure cause I didn't see you there" I asked. "Yeah" said Johnny. I looked at him and I could tell he was lying. I wonder where he really was at. He better not have been at his parents house. I still hate his parents. I'll get to the bottom of this.
Johnny's POV
I can believe I just lied to Dally. I wonder if he saw right through me. I was at my parents house for awhile sense they weren't supposed to be home today. I was about to leave when they showed up. They were beating me up before I got to the Curtis house. I tried to hide my cuts and bruises so no one could see what happened. Am actually really surprised no one noticed. I got off the couch. Dally grabbed my arm and took my upstairs. He pushed me in a room then locked it. He forced me to sit down on the bed. "Johnny,I know you were lying. Where were you?" Dally asked. "None of your business" I said. "It is my business. Now tell me where you were" said Dally. I sighed then said "I was that my parents house". "Your not going there anymore and that's final" said Dally. "Your not in charge of me" I said. "Actually I am" said Dally. "You can't stop me from going there" I said. "Am trying to protect you Johnny" said Dally. He left the room after that. He better not tell the gang about this.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you have a good day! Merry Christmas!
Stay Gold

Reality Now
FanfictionHey readers! This is Jasmine Jewels. So the last you heard in my other book is that I got kidnapped by a ghost on Halloween and I was staying with him for a couple of days. Well am going to tell you about what happened on summer break. Hey guys! Thi...