Note (not part of the story)

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Hey guys so just a little Note is that I am no longer using fonts since its very hard to edit it everytime im publishing each chapter and im going back to school in 3 days so that means I wont be able to publish that much chapters but I will try my best and I hope you guys can understand, and sorry if it was so sudden so hope you know who's speaking and who's not I mean im pretty sure that you guys are smart enough to know who's speaking and who's not right?

Anyways I would like to say that chapter 7 will be published at January 3 (Wanderer/Scaramouche's Birthday)

Boba Mixu signing off ☽︎☽︎
(Turn of events in the next chapter)

Boba Mixu signing off ♡︎♡︎
(Pretty good for the next chapter)

Boba Mixu signing off ☾︎☾︎
(Bad stuff happening in next chapter)

Just a lil spoiler for the next chapters :)

Boba Mixu signing off ☽︎☽︎

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