Special Chapter 10

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Heyy lazy rn but who gives a f*ck soo enjoy :)


Suddenly Zuha's phone had a 'Ding!'

'yo Zuha wanna hangout?
The others will be here too'

'sure Lunes, your dorm?'


'what time?'

'maybe at abt 8pm?'



After all of that the time has come and 8 pm is coming and Zuha was on his way to Lumines dorm until he bumped to Aether and Xiao

"Oh hey Kaz!"
"Hey Aeth, hey Xiao are you guys on your way to the dorm?"

Then they went to the dorm together and lets say that an hour has passed, they were drunk well except for Lunes and Xiao, since Xiao was strong enough to carry Zuha and Heizou when their drunk and he doesn't even like alcohol so its alright for him not to drink some

"Well looks like Kazuha and Heizou are both drunk"
"Maybe a little too much, I mean Zuha had 5 bottles while Heizou drank whipping 9 bottles of alcohol"

while Heizou & Zuha is drunk af and there kinda half asleep  w/ their eyes and mouth open

"So how are we gonna get them to their dorms?"
"Well Zuha's is in the 2nd floor & Heizou's is kinda far"
"How far?"
"Idk if I can remember hes at the 4th floor?"
"Oh gosh- Xiao can you carry Heinz there?"
"Thats what I dont know but we do have an Elevator"
"Well were doomed"




moral of the story, never make Heizou nor Zuha drunk or Xiao will have a broken back after carrying them and this was just a really random Special Chapter but hope ya'll enjoyed it <3

Boba Mixu singing off ☽︎☽︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now