Chapter 17

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

At school <7:38 am>
Kai went near Kuni

"Hi!~ so I heard that Zuha has a Gf, soo- how do you feel abt it?"
"So what are you trying to say?"

Kai being shocked while Kuni is acting like he doesn't care but in reality hes thinking

"[Is this guy seriously thinking im gonna be jealous bc of that even tho im the person Kat is dating]"
"Well if you dont care, how abt we date?~ ;)"
"*Lumine just spitting her water out bc of that* EXCUSE ME!?"

Lumine getting up from her seat and going near them both

"Oh gosh Lunes, dont tell them our plan pls {whisper}"
"Pardon me?"
"You dating Kuni? Oh please! You guys dont look like the perfect couple!"
"Excuse me- but dont underestimate my Beauty (as if you had one in the first place  ͡⁠°~ ͡⁠° -Author)"
"Beauty!? As if you had one from the start" (definitely not the creator possessing Lumine)
"Huh!? You really want a fight dont you? Well unlike the other gentlemen's I can hit a girl"
"Is it bc your Gay? Pft- for your info I can fight with ease"
"I'd like to see you try"
"But you guys can just do it outside the school premises right?"

Dehya Victoria a 21 year old Computer Management Scholar from Sumeru, part of the SSTG (Sumeru Student Teacher Guild)

"Kai even tho your Gay you should still respect Women, Lumine you should control your temper and leave Scaramouche alone will you both? He can handle his own life decisions himself, *sigh* ill let this slide but if this ever happen again I will give you both a warning"

Dehya then goes back to her seat and start reading again while Lumine and Kai is just at each others throat

"Can you guys stop death staring each other, plus you heard what Dehya said"
"Fine but im not letting YOU be Kuni's Bf"

Lumine saying while giving a menacing aura to Kai

"Fine, but I will succeed"

After all that Lunchtime has come <11:57>

"Oujou-chan you look pissed off, what happened?"
"Well you remember the guy I told you abt a few days ago?"
"You mean Kai?"
"yeah and the worst thing is he said that He was gonna be Kuni's Bf one day, ugh that D*ck he thinks that he can win Kuni's heart just like that? Oh dare he-"
"Okay how abt we go to the Cafe for a Drink cause you need to calm down Babe"
"Fine but ill do anything to get that B*tch away from Kuni"
"Okay now lets go cool you down"
"Ajax slow down!!!"

Ajax just gripping to Lumines Wrist and dragging her to the Cafe meanwhile with Ayaka

"[Im sure its here somewhere, oh no- where is it? I cant lose it, that was a gift from Thoma, huh whats that noise?]"

Ayaka then followed the noise and she saw Kai and Emily with someone else ofc she pulled out the invention inorder to record their voices and use the drone for better a view

"So got any info Evelyn?"
"Ofc I found out what Zuha's Gf's name is"
"Kinda I just found out the First letter of Her First and Last name"
"Then tell us!"
"Her Last name starts with a R and First name starts with a K"
"Any info on Zuha?"
"hold on a minute buddy your to exited to blackmail Zuha, anyways his Gf's Hair color is Violet with a hint of Blue and her eyes is Violet"

Blah blah blah she tells them the Info's while Ayaka is just recording all of this

And im a bit sleepy so this Chapter ends here and once again im sorry if im not publishing that much for the past few days it was just bc I was busy with Schoolwork and Im part in some event in my school so once again apologies and

Boba Mixu singing off ☽︎☽︎

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