Chapter 25

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Hi~ my exams are coming so enjoy the last Chapter of this ff :)

Kuni then went to the rooftop where something was suddenly throwed towards him, it was a Knife thankfully he dodged it

"Oh, your quite the dodger aren't you?"
"Im not a dodger I just happen to have some instincts"
"Hm, didn't expect you to come here but here we are"
"What are these 'important matters' you would like to speak with me?"
"Right to the point I see, well your wish is my command"

Emily once again threw a knife at Kuni but he dodged it

"Its easy really, I just want you to die"

Emily then shot a bullet towards Kuni and once again dodges

"Bullets? Thats all you got? Maybe you shouldn't have trained harder for this moment"

Kuni then started uh- I dont even know how to explain this but hes like punching her? And Emily kinda dodged it but fell to her butt

"Oh guess my institution was right you were the one that killed Evelyn didnt you?"
"I didnt kill her"
"Thats all what the killers say"
"Aren't you talking to me for another topic?"
"Never knew you were smart"
"Never knew? Seriously? Im the one who keeps on answering all the questions right in the exams remember?"
"Huh? Really?"
"Yeah! Plus I saw your scores you only got 55.89% on the exams"
"Oh you really are a b*tch"

Emily then charged at Kuni with her other knife, meanwhile...

"You sure you wanna do this?"
"Yes Lunes I already Killed Evelyn (btw Evelyn Died) and Attacked Kai now its time to kill Emily"
"Listen here Mr. Yandere cant you just like take revenge instead of killing her!?"
"I dont care of she dies or not all I care about is Kunikuzuki's safety"
"[Im definitely sure hes angry..]"

Lil Info: when Kazuha says a friend's or anyone he knows nickname its normal but when he says the full first name then hes prob angry

"Well *setting up the shotgun* give me the bullets"
"Are you sure you're gonna do this?"
"Lumine stop acting like Paimon, give me the bullets"
"Fine here but if you get in trouble thats not my problem, just remember your reputation is also on the line not just Emily's life"
"Yeah yeah"

Kazuha then pointed the shotgun towards Emily and fired the bullet and it hit her (bro got steady hands and a good aim, Bow user Kazuha confirmed!??? O_o) and she started bleeding

"*Idk coughing some blood* Wha-what was that!"

Both of them looked at the other building nearby and saw 2 people, a guy holding a shotgun aimed at Emily and the other just standing there spectating

"You had backup this whole time!? Well that isnt fair!"
"What! I dont know those people!"
(Idiots not knowing that was Kazuha and Lumine in the other building)

Emily then went to maintenanc- I mean fell to the ground- well the rooftops ground and idk fainted and Kuni then started approaching her body and with a closer look he saw a button on her wrist with a logo

"This logo... Why is there a button on her wrist? *Recognizing the logo* isnt this... The custom logo of Sandrone?.. does that mean shes a puppet?..."

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now