Chapter 22

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Long time no see, so uhm spoiler alert this Fanfic might end soon but dw im gonna keep on making Special Chapters when I have the time so sorry for the inconvenience but maybe ill make a 8∆0k 2 ;) but enjoy!

Evelyn Star is seen behind a plant hearing the conversation of the 4 and having a angry expression in her face

"Hmm.. so, this is Rei Sora? Hmph, that stupid b*tch who stole my chance to become a harbinger, ill get my revenge soon..."

2 hours later, 'Sora' and the other harbingers has been acting all nice while also secretly taking ¡πf• for the T$@r¡t$@ not until Sora asked Ajax to come w/ 'her' in the washroom

"What do you want?"

Evelyn Star is seen drying her hands and overhearing the conversation and taking a peek on who's conversation it was

"Ughhh cant we leave now? Weve been here for the past 2 hours!"
"Ik that but we have to keep up the act not only that this party lasts until 10 pm so just hang in there ok?"
"What time is it?"
"5:48 pm"
"Calm down will you? [Gosh how did Kazuha fall in love with this guy?] Theres 5 more hours left just go drink water or smth, anyways I better go and stop complaining"

Ajax then leaves and unfortunately Evelyn wasn't spotted and not only that Zuha has been secretly listening to the conversation of the 2 and saw Evelyn, thankfully he didnt get spotted by Ajax when he was leaving

"Well, well, well who do we have here? Rei Sora or should I say Raiden Kunikushiki..."

Evelyn is seen w/ a knife near Kuni's throat and Evelyn covering Kuni's mouth so that he cant scream for help, Zuha saw everything and him pulling out a gun...

Boba Mixu singing off ☽︎☽︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now