Chapter 15

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Roses are red, violets are blue, its freaking 11 pm, I have to finish school so enjoy this monstrosity

The next day after the Lantern Rite Fair

Zuha knocked on the door

"Ah! Kiddo"
"Hi mom, wheres Mama?"
"Oh shes at the Living room"

Zuha then goes to the Living room w/ Beidou

"Kazuha explain"

Kazuha then explains everything

"Wait so 2 students teamed up just to separate you and your partner, not only that Kunikushiki is your Lover!?"
"Kiddo i need some time to process hold on"

After they processed all of the info

"I swear I might just expell those 2 if they ever cause trouble"
"Setting that aside, I support you and your Lover Kiddo"
"Same thing here"
"Thank you Moms"

Zuha then hugs Beidou and Ningguang (so cute 🤭)

"Anyways when will we meet Him huh? It has been a decade and a year since we last saw that Kid"
"Soon Mom dont rush, hes just tired so he couldn't make it here w/ me today"
"Soo what made you like him Kazuha?"
"Mama... ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ"
"im just joking but im happy for you :)"
"*Ring* *ring* oh its Kuni, excuse me-"

Zuha then goes to the bathroom and answers the call

"Awake already Love?"
"Where are you?..."
"[HE SOUNDS SO CUTE WHEN HES SLEEPY- I CANT 😍] Im just at my Moms house, why?"
"Nothing.. *yawn*"
"Pft- your so cute when you yawn"
"[Oh sh*t did I say that out loud?] I mean its true"
"Hmph! Whatever im going back to bed"
" 'kay Night my Love~"

Kuni then hangs up without a goodbye

"[Such a Tsundere, a cute tsundere that is]"

Simp  ͡⁠°~ ͡⁠° anyways im tired so

Boba Mixu singing off ♡︎♡︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now