Special Chapter 9

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Hello everyone! Im out of ideas rn but who cares, enjoy!

Special Chapter 9
Timeline: Aftermath of Chapter 23

10:21 pm the party finally ended and KazuScara finally arrived at their dorm

"Ughhhh today was so exhausting..."

Kuni complained and Zuha in the other hand

"Wanna f*ck? :)"

And f*ck they did (rip Kuni's already Non-existent virginity, a$$, back and legs), the next day

"[Gosh I feel pain all over my body!]"

Kuni then felt weight on his body so he turned around and saw Zuha sleeping peacefully

"[Did I really fall in love with a guy who's this beautiful?]"
"Is my face that pretty that you stare at me with that sparkling eyes of yours?"

A blushing tomato can be seen being cuddled by the Idol and to help Kuni calm down he turned his head in the other way to avoid contact of the other (what happened to my writing there)

"*Soft laugh* your so cute~"
"Anyways I already checked the time theres 3 hrs left before class"
"that means we have to get ready"
"Then what?"
"Lets cuddle •ω•"
"Why not?"
"Kat we have to get up now or else we'll be late!"
"So what? I dont wanna see that Kai guy, I just wanna look at your pretty face all day long~" (gosh why did I make Zuha this flirty? I regret my decisions 😭)

Zuha said in a hot and flirty voice (🖕 -Author)

"C-can you stop!"

Great now Kuni is once again a tomato

"*Flirty a$$ laugh* oh c'mon~ im still horny yk~"
"So?... Keep your horny a$$ away from me.."
"such a worthy tsundere~ no wonder I fell in love with you"

Kuni couldn't take it anymore so he just tried to get up but his bf's grip was to powerful he couldnt even get up

"Oh? Leaving so soon?~ (why did I suddenly think of Kaeya after writtng that?)"

Zuha then pinned Kuni on the bed and uhm 1 hour later-

"[Ugh! great my body hurts even more! Only if he wasn't a horny b*tch, I feel like I cant even move my lower body...]"

He then looked at the mirror and saw himself covered w/ hickeys all over his body especially his neck, legs, arms and even his torso wearing Zuha's white polo which Zuha wore at the party with no underwear at all just full on, beautiful view of his a$$ and skinny legs (holy sh*t yo Scar can I have your thighs? Mine is too big it can crack an egg and make scrambled eggs) then a tired Kazuha went in the bathroom and hugged Kuni

"Hey Kat"
"Love you~"
"Love you too.."
"Sorry if I gave you too many hickeys last night"
"Its alright I can cover them up"
"You sure? I can give you my hoodie if you want"

Zuha then went to his bedroom and took one of his hoodie and came back (w/ the milk, jk :D)

"This doesnt look like a color you like"

Zuha gave Kuni a black hoodie

"Ofc its not my fav color"
"Then why didn't you get another color?"
"When I go outside I atleast have to wear casual and other colors so that I wouldnt be noticed but I still have hoodies that fit my color palette"
"guess that make sense, but since you f*cked me again today we have to get ready fast or else we'll be late"
"Its alright now you should prob go take a bath, im just going to prepare breakfast"

Kuni then walks out of the bathroom not until

"*Nom •ω•* (wtf)"
"sorry the hickeys I gave you wasnt enough :)"

An 'innocent' Idol can be seen hugging the angry tomato but uh 15 minutes later

"Im so lucky to have you <3"
"Yeah yeah now go eat your food"

20 minutes later, 1 hour and 25 minutes is left on the clock, they got ready

"Get you Horny a$$ away from me please"

Kuni is wearing pants that contrast the hoodie Zuha gave him w/ a black converse (definitely not an outfit the creator once wore) and he managed to hide the hickeys on his neck w/ makeup and Zuha is wearing black pants, white shoes and a custom made hoodie from Mondstat

Im tired and apologies for not posting that much 4-3 days ago I was really busy but anyways

Boba Mixu singing off ♡︎♡︎

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