Chapter 24

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

This might be one of my longest chapter to make but enjoy reading everything this has in-store for you ;)

Timeline: aftermath of Special Chapter 11 a.k.a the next day
<7:58 am>

"Good morning class"
"Morning Ma'am/Ms. Colombina"
"I have some bad news.."

After hearing that the whole class went from happy to gossiping and whispering (puro mga chismosa {translation: full of gossipers})

"Sadly Kai is in the hospital, he was found half dead in an alleyway in the Harbor. *a student raised their hand* yes Ayaka?"
"Ms. is there any evidence of who could've attacked him?"
"Yes but it was just a piece of paper, unfortunately the person who attacked him was very smart and left no traces"
"Ah thank you Ms."

Then they started the discussion and it was the end of the 2nd am period (theres 6 classes each day, 3 am periods until lunch for an 1h and 2 pm periods until recess for an 1h then finishing the last pm period of the day)

"[I need to ask Kat abt this]"

Kuni then stops from reading and asks Zuha

"Did you attack Kai?"
"[Huh? How did he..] wdym?..."
"Dont play dumb with me, I know you well, you wont be able to hide your Yandere side Dehara"
"[Oh sh*t- full middle name ╥⁠﹏⁠╥ ]  Fine you caught me but can we pleaseee talk abt this later? Im scared that someone might hear us, I dont want people to know my other self :("
"Fine but you better tell me everything later"
"I promise!"

An hour later lunch has started, Kuni is doing his homework while Zuha is just scrolling through his phone and Kuni finished

"You done?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Lets go then!"

Zuha then dragged Kuni outside of the school to go to a Café and he was going so fast that everything that Kuki and Heizou was holding was abt to fly like a ufo or smth

"What. Was. That!??"
"I think it was Zuha and was he dragging someone with him?"
"why is he dragging Scara?-"
"Idk prob to go out on a date"
"Oh lovebirds"
"we should go out on a date sometime too ;)"
"Shut up"
"•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀"

With KazuScara

"Kat! Kat! Slow down!! KAT!!!"

still not slowing down


Zuha then stops and turns his head to Kuni

"I. Said. Slow. Down."
"... Love your eye is twitching-"
"Is it?"
"How abt we just go to the Café.... :')"

Then they arrived at Windblume Café, a Café from Mondstadt, Germany known for having the best Coffees, Wine and others in all of Teyvat and their interior

"Next! Oh Kazuha long time no see!"
"Hello Uncle Venti, the usual please"

Barbatos 'Venti' Lapis a 36 year old Barista and professional Bard of Mondstadt, the owner of the Windblume Café, Married to Morax R. (Rex) 'Zhongli' Lapis

"Well then how abt the young Lad with you?"
"i'll just take the Caramel Frappe"
"Dine in or Take out?"
"We'll dine in"
"Then everything will be 126 Mora"

Zuha then pays and they both went to a table that are away from the others so that they can have their secret conversation

"now explain"
"Right so uhm-"

He practically explained everything (p.s i've been working on this for 3 days now 😭)

"And unfortunately like what Ma'am said Kai is half dead"
"Seriously? 'unfortunately'?"
"I literally stabbed him and shot him like 5-7 times yet hes still not dead"
"And you want him to die?"
"Yes :)"

Then Katheryne came with their drinks

"Heres your drinks!"

Katheryne La a 23 year old Adventurers guild Manager senior, from Mondstadt

Then they started drinking their drinks

"Theres still 37 minutes left until lunch is over, lets go to the Harbor shall we?"
"We'll probably wont make it in time"
"I guess so we'll just go take a stroll at the park then?"

Then the both of them took their drinks and started taking a stroll in the nearby park that was full of beautiful patches of flowers, kids playing around even adults treasuring the peaceful blow of the wind and there was silence between the two but it was relaxing and both of them liked the presence of the other until it was time to go back to campus and continue the boring discussions the teachers have in-store for them, 2 hours later it was break time and the both of them were just having a chat while there both approaching their lockers

"Huh whats this?"

When Kuni opened his locker he noticed a note that was originally not inside and he read it

"A note?"
"What does it say"
"It says-"

Dear Raiden Kunikuzuki

         Hi there! Im sorry if im wasting your time by reading this but this is really important matters and I would love to discuss it with you, if you wish to know these 'important matters' please come meet me at the rooftop at exactly 3:30 pm, see you there!

                              Sincerely, Emily Star

"Oh that b*tch"
"Kat you should calm down"
"Well of my opinion you shouldn't go"
"Seriously? You do realize that I can fight her incase right?"
"I know that but I really dont trust her, not only that she tried to separate you and me right?"
" Yes but what if she wants to apologize?"
"What if she doesn't?"
"Kuni we can trust people nowadays, im just cared about your safety"
"Kat your to overprotective, besides I have weapons with me all the time whether im Rei Sora or not"
"Fine but if she picks a fight with you make sure that shes dead"
"Yeah yeah"

I have been working on this for the past 5 days already and I have been pulling all-nighters for this and all I have to say is I hope this gets to 900+ - 1000+ words bc this is a bit long but im lazy and if you guys have noticed anything that happened with my writing while reading thats prob bc im reading another Fanfic again bc idk I just got the motivation and heres some beautiful and most random plot for the next chapter

I have been working on this for the past 5 days already and I have been pulling all-nighters for this and all I have to say is I hope this gets to 900+ - 1000+ words bc this is a bit long but im lazy and if you guys have noticed anything that happ...

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Also this ff just got 4K+ reads so ty ya'll :) and

Boba Mixu singing off ☽︎☽︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now