Chapter 10

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Welcome to another chapter and I have too many Schoolwork on my plate so this is gonna be short but enjoy!

<Jan. 6 5:11>

"*Smirk* so do we have a deal Kai?"
"Ofc! Anything to get that Zuha guy out of the way"
"Well then, I'll meet you here later at #:## pm 'kay?"
"Sure £m€\√ *smirk*"

"Ughh shut the f*ck up"

Zuha then shuts off his alarm and looked at the time in his phone

"5:11?, Guess I still have some time to get ready for school"

Zuha then goes towards his bathroom and get ready and went to the kitchen to eat

"Hm your up early today Love"
"Good morning..."
"How was your sleep?"
"Good, you?"
"Um [should I tell him abt my dream? How about no..] Pretty good.."
" 'kay"

<Jan. 6 7:56>

"Good morning class"
"Good morning Sir/Mr. Albedo"
"Sadly Ms. Columbia cant make it today so I will be your substitute Advisor"

A student raised their hand

"Yes *random name*?"
"Sir what happened to Ma'am Columbia?"
"Well she got a cold and cant make it today, anyways enough with the sad faces since we have a transfer student today"

*People just gossiping or whispering to each other*

"You come in now"

The girl then entered the classroom

"[Wait a minute isn't that the same girl in my dream? The one that was speaking to Kai?...]"
"Hello everyone! My name is Emily Star hope we can be friends!"
"Why do I feel like shes gonna be a villain?"
"Relax Lumine its just a new girl what could possibly go wrong?"
"I guess but we better keep an eye on her, Ayaka you okay with that?"
"Sure Lunes"

Boba Mixu singing off ☾︎☾︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now