Chapter 5

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Sorry for the cliffhanger & shortness from last time and I will try to make chapter 6 a bit more Longer I promise ・⁠ω⁠・

"Kazuha Xi or what you youngsters know him as Zuha"
"Hello everyone, its a pleasure to be here"
"Omg hes so hot in person!"

"[Ofc, all the girls are gonna fan girl over him  ͡⁠°~ ͡⁠° *sigh* He probably wont recognize me, the last time he saw me i had long hair and-]"
"Long time no see love~"
"What the- Hey! Since when did you call me love!?"
"Ever since today, why? You dont want me to call you that?"
"Ugh whatever"

Classes finished and its time for a break and everyone's leaving to go the cafeteria or eat at any restaurants near campus

"Hey Kuni, Hey Zuha imma go to Wanmin Restaurant, imma meet Ajax there see you later!"
"See you!"
"Love, what should we eat?"
"Stop calling me Love"
"Why are you still writing?"
"Im doing homework, anyways im done with it"
"Well do you want to go to the cafeteria?"

There it goes a kiss and woah theres Kazuha's tongue dancing with Kuni's tongue and the kiss having to be broken due to their loss of oxygen, then Kazuha goes near Kuni's neck and

"ahhhh~ Ka-kazu- aahhh~~"

OK UMMM AFTER THAT WHOLE THING A.K.A TIMESKIP... don't worry they didn't make out in the classroom •\\\\•

"Sorry about that Love..."
"Its okay, but what was that just now?...."
"I couldn't help my self sorry.."
"*Sigh* lets go to the cafeteria, we have 30 minutes left in our recess anyways we can still eat"

Kazuha hugs Kuni

"Love you..."
"I-i you love me?"
"Yeah, but can you be my boyfriend?"
"I-i.... [Oh no is this really happening? Is this some kind of dream? I'll just say yes I mean he was my childhood crush till now..] Yes"
"ahhh~ Kazu!"

Angry Kuni turning his head towards Kazu might have been a mistake for him bc he's seeing a hot ass smirking b*sh

Its time to end my sufferings ◡ω◡ its finally time to go to the dorms!

"Alright students! When I say your name please come up to me so that I can give you guys your dorm numbers, understand?"
"Yes Ma'am/Ms."

Then it came Kuni's turn

"Heres your Dorm Card, your Dorm number and Dorm floor is there too"

Then Kuni starts going back to his seat while other students get their Dorm Cards too

"Hey Kuni what number did you get?"
"Oh come on! Just tell me please!!"
"Oh shut up, yk where still in class"
"[Pft- Tsundere] your so cute"
"Stop already people might hear you"
"Ugh just focus already Ms. Columbia is abt to discuss"

After a long day full of schoolwork and boring discussions Students are finally able to go to their respective dorms and take a rest <5:33 pm>

"[Finally a rest!, But.... I can't stop thinking abt it now... Why did he suddenly kiss me? Why did he call me cute? Does he really want to be my boyfriend?]"

I want you guys to use that brain of yours once again, who do you think Kuni's Roommate is? Comment your answer or guess and also sorry if I kinda gave up on using the fonts bc im in a hurry soooo uhh bye!

Boba Mixu singing off ♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎

btw its Dec. 31 for me soooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZHONGLI!! may you shine like gold in my heart✧✧

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now