Chapter 16

493 11 17

|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Long time no see, sorry if I haven't been publishing its bc I had a strict schedule and im in school rn, anyways enjoy :)

"Bye Moms"
"bye Kiddo!"
"Goodbye Kazuha, be safe"

Zuha then goes to his car to go back to his apartment until

"*Ring* *ring* [huh is Kuni calling?]"

He picks up the phone and it was Heizou?

"ZUHA! finally.. me and rest has been trying to contact you fot the past hour! What happened!?"
"Sorry.. I was at my moms (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)"
"Well setting tht aside, we have something urgent going on, thats why we need you to go to the studio immediately!"
"Urgent? Whats going on?"
"No time to explain just go here at the Studio btw use the back door and we'll explain it to you ok!? Bye!!"
"Wait Hei- zou..., he hanged up on me"

Zuha then checked twitter to check whats going on then he saw

"What... 'Is Kazuha Xi really dating someone? Come find out in Qixing News where there at that the 4nemo studio to get the answer' wtf is going on!? Thats it I have to go there"

Zuha then quickly goes to his car and went to the studio, meanwhile with Kuni

*Ring* *ring*
"Ugh.. im up, im up jeez"

A half asleep Kuni then picks up the phone

"Oh Kuni thank goodness, why weren't you answering?"
"I was asleep"
"Well i want you to check Twitter and can you come here at the 4nemo Studio?"
"I'll explain further when you get here, ill send you the location, bye!!"

Kuni then checks Twitter quickly while getting out of bed and

" 'Is Kazuha Xi really dating someone? Come find out in Qixing News where there at that the 4nemo studio to get the answer' how the heck did people find out!? Thats it i better get there"

Kuni then quickly gets ready meanwhile w/ Zuha

*Ring* *ring*

Zuha picks up

"Ah Zuha sorry I forgot to tell you, can you pick up Kuni and bring him here? And ill explain later why k?"

Zuha then goes to his apartment to pick up Kuni
5 minutes later
Kuni is seen going out of the apartment building then Zuha showed up

"Love get in"
"Just get in, idk why Heizou told me to bring you to the studio but just get in"

Kuni then gets in the car and told Zuha that Lumine called him and told him to go to the Studio and 10 minutes later they arrived at the back door of the studio and enters

"What the hell is going on here Lunes? Why is there so many people at the front of the Studio"
"Well someone leaked some information abt you dating Kuni, thankfully they didn't leak Kuni's name nor his face"
"Since when!?"
"3 weeks ago, I already did some research and I found out who leaked it"
"Tell us!"

Kazuscara saying at the same time

"Evelyn Star, she's mostly known with the name of Night Star in most Social Medias & being in Celestial Academy not only that shes from Shenznaya"
"Is that all the Info we currently have?"
"Ive heard of her"
"Wdym Kuni?"
"Shes part of the Shenznayan Student Teacher Council, shes popular yet shes in rank Omega 10 (info: Omega 11 Worst rank, Omega 10 Bad rank, Omega 9 okay rank, Omega 8-1 Good rank, Alpha 11-5 Very good rank, Alpha 4-1 Very very good rank and The Harbinger 11-1 The Almighty rank also the Highest rank)"
"Shenznayan Student Teacher Council? Wth is that"
"You see Heinz, each Region in Celestial Academy has a council or Guild and Shenznayan Student Teacher Council is short for SSTC"
"Oh makes sense, setting that aside what are you gonna do Zuha? I mean Xiao and Aether revealed their love to the public, now its your turn"
"Yeah and im pretty sure im next since I started dating Ajax"
"Well Kushii what do you say?"
"Sure I guess but im not coming out there  ͡⁠°- ͡⁠°"

Zuha then comes out and blah blah blah he tells the news that He is indeed dating someone and blah bLaH BLAH

Im tired so imma end it here anyways

Boba Mixu singing off ☽︎☽︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now