Chapter 7

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Another timeskip yes <Jan. 3 7:48 am> since its January 3 in my country/side of the world HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDERER/SCARAMOUCHE!!! ♡︎♡︎

Kuni was on his way to his classroom though while walking towards his class people seems to talk abt him in the hallway since everytime someone sees h they start gossiping and ofc he started speed walking to class to find out whats happening and when he opens the door he's greeted with

"Happy birthday Scara-san, will you be my boyfriend?"

Kai Satori, a classmate of Kuni and known to be a rumored to have a crush on Kuni

"*Girls just fangirling  ͡⁠°_ ͡⁠°*"

Lumine enters the classroom using the backdoor and sees the commotion

"Yo Ayaka, whats happening?"
"Hi Lumine, Kai is just confessed his love to Scara"
"Yeah.... I mean who would like Kai? Hes such a jerk I bet Scara's gonna turn him down"
"Same, plus Kuni is like my best friend now, well other than you ofc but KAI CONFESSING TO KUNI!? hell no, ugh let's just hope that Kazuha is coming soon I can't bare to see this no more"
"Lumine just call down"
"I am calm ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ"
"Your not"
"Hmph! ರ⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠ರ"

After all that (btw Kuni just said im sorry to Kai and Kai just accepted it as a excuse to get some time to answer, hope that made sense) and theres abt 20 minutes left on the clock before the teacher arrives & Zuha is seen with a little present while walking towards his chair to sit

"Happy birthday"

Everyone has their eyes on Kuni the whole time since he just said im sorry and was shocked to the fact that Zuha is giving him a present and ofc Kuni opens it and its a

"Is this a Wisteria?"
"Yep, picked from Tataragami Island" (sry if I spelled it wrong just correct me)
"I- wow"
"Theres still more"

Kuni got confused and decided to check the present once again and there it is another flower

"Is this-"
"Dandelions, from Mondstat"
"Thank you"

No one:
The entire class: DAYUM :⁠0
Kai: [dammit only if that Zuha guy didn't do that]

Time for recess everyone! (Only if Recess was this fast 😭)

As soon as recess started Zuha just waited for everyone to leave then the class was empty only Zuha and Kuni was inside

"Thank you"
"For what?"
"You still remember my fav flowers, thank you for gifting them to me"
"Not just that"
"What the- [are those chocolates?, And those are my fav kind too •\\\\\•]"
"I know I said it earlier but Happy Birthday Love"

Kuni wraps his arms to Zuha's neck and kissed him, Zuha ofc kissed back

"Thank you"
"[Uhh why does Kat have that face again (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)]"

There it goes.. a kiss but unlike any of the past kisses this one was a bit uhh how do I put this um longer than the past kisses

"*Pant* Kazu- Ahh~ Kazu..... Slow- AHH~~"

What's wrong with me and them always having to almost make out in the classroom I swear I better make them make out in their dorm not in class...
After that uhm Kuni's in the bathroom while Zuha's is making his way to the cafeteria to eat and wait for Kuni there

Kuni's POV
"[Dang it he gave me 3 hickeys, Though why does that always happen, Him just kissing me then giving me hickeys *sigh* I dont even know if thats the Kazu I know, the last time I saw him he was a sweet, kind person well ig with a twist of dangerous practically a two faced person, anyways I better go eat im straving!]"

Zuha's POV
"[Ever since Kuni became my boyfriend the same dream that has been haunting me it just went away just like a sunny day whenever it rains, I really didn't mean having to give him hickeys its just that I cant control myself when were just alone its like I wanna do it.... WHAT NO! I cant do that, although the best I can do is Protect him & like what Lunes said someone was hitting on him and ill do anything to get him way from Kuni even if it means Killing him....]"

Boba Mixu singing off ☽︎☽︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now