Chapter 23

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|| So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? ||

Didnt expect the sudden cliffhanger in the last chapter huh?  ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠° but anyways once again im sorry for not publishing yesterday I was very tired from my exams since I did pull an all nighter so apologies and enjoy!

Zuha saw everything and him pulling out a gun...

"[Im sorry for not listening Mom...]"

A day ago

"So your here to get a suit for the party tomorrow?"
"Okay then, but drop the gun mister"
"[How the hell..] wdym?.."
"Kiddo you cant fool me, ik your hiding a gun"
"Fine you caught me"

Zuha pulls out a pistol from his bag

"Your forgetting the 2 shotguns"
"Ughhhh fine..."

Zuha pulls out 2 shotguns from his bag

"The bomb?"

Zuha pulls out a bomb from his bag

"Your other pistol?"
"Ma, the other pistol has been broken 3 years ago, Idk who can fix it so it practically useless and broken"
"Oh- I forgot sorry kiddo, well then I better go downstairs I need to check on the fire extinguisher"
" 'kay"

End of flashback

Zuha pulled out a gun, it was the 'broken and useless' gun he had talked abt, surprisingly he actually got someone to fix it 4 months ago and got some new ammo then


Kuni stepped on Evelyn's foot using his Heels w/ a built-in knife (kinda like Kocho Shinobu from Demon slayer) and Evelyn's foot started bleeding that Evelyn had let go of Kuni, ofc Kuni stayed away from Evelyn to be safe

"You- you B*TCH!!!"

Evelyn took her knife and charged at Kuni not until Zuha pulled the trigger and Evelyn's arm is now bleeding

"nows not the time to explain"
"Did- you- both plan this out!?"

Slowly and slowly Evelyn was starting to faint and Zuha shot her one more time

"Eh just to make sure shes dead"
"Okay I get it that your overprotective, but THAT DOSENT MEAN YOU NEED TO SHOOT HER 2 TIMES"
"Just come w/ me will you?"

Kazu- I mean Zuha drags Kuni outside if the washroom and left Evelyn 'dead' on the floor Zuha then brings Kuni to the Backrooms, (not the actual backrooms btw, where the workers and waiters of the party make foods and other stuff) and found a empty closet and went inside

"Okay so can you explain now?"
"Well 1. Lets hope no one saw us go here"-
"Dont worry I shot the security cameras on the way"
"How exactly?"
"See this ring?"

Zuha looked at the silver ring on Kunis index finger then Kuni pressed some kind of button on the ring and boom! A ammo was shot on the ceiling

"Now you explain"

After Zuha explained everything

"Ok I get it now but I dont get the part that YOU HAVE A BOMB AND 3 GUNS"

Zuha then let out an innocent smile then they both went back to the party and explained to everyone else what happened bc everyone saw Evelyn's body in the Washroom

Boba Mixu singing off ♡︎♡︎

So this is 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 ? || KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now