11.) Teach Me?

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Allie's P.O.V

I'm getting ready to go with Mikey today. I told him I would pick him up from his house today, then we were gonna go to the shop and get snacks for today, then we would go back to his house and play Xbox like we always used too.

I brushed my hair, and threw it up into a messy bun on top of my head, before putting some make up on my face.

I looked through my closet, and dresser looking for what to wear today, and I have no clue why I am so nervous. Mikey and I haven't hung out in like seven months, and I don't even remember what it's like being with him all day.

Without the constant fighting that there has been recently.

As soon as I was ready I went down stairs and let Kaden know I was leaving. I would have let Katie know to, but it's eleven and she is still in bed. Alex isn't home. He is over at his friend Connor's house.

I walked out and got in my car and drove over to get Mikey.

"Hey there." Mikey said as he climbed into the passenger seat.

"Hiya, so what's the plan? Nandos now, or for dinner?" I asked him.

"Lets go get our snacks, then we'll go to Nandos for lunch." Mikey said. I nodded my head and pulled out of his driveway.

After we bought sixty dollars worth of junk food, we headed to Nandos and ate our lunch there.

We started our drive back to Mikey's house, and I could hear one of my favorite songs coming on the radio, so I turned it up super loud.

"Fuck yes!" I said as the lyrics started, and I began to sing along.

Here we are,

At the end of the road - a road that's quietly caving in,

Come too far to pretend that we don't - we don't miss where we started,

Looking back, I see a setting sun, and watch my shadow fade into the floor,

I am left standing on the edge

Wondering how we got this far, (how we got this far...)

They left us alone,

The Kids In The Dark,

To burn out forever,

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