Character Introductions :)

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This is just a short little update before the story starts, so that you know what each character acts like, and thinks about the others.

Kaitlyn ~ Hi I'm Kaitlyn or Katie for short. I'm eighteen and the twin sister of Kaden. He likes to rub it in my face that he is slightly older since he was born first. I say we are the same age. I'm short, around five foot two and have ombre hair and hazel eyes. I like to think I'm a pretty funny person. I get along better with boys then I do with girls. No, not beause i wanna get in their pants, but because less drama come with boys. Oh and, I'm really sweet to basically every, unless you give me a reason to want you dead. Like, if you fuck with my siblings then you have something coming for you, and it wo't be Karma. It's me bitch.

Kaden ~ Hi my name is Kaden and I am eighteen years old. so have a twin sister Kaitlyn, but let's not talk about her. Lets talk about me. I'm technically the oldest child in my house, and I am in the short side being only five foot eight. I have dark blonde curly hair and green eyes. I'm really close friends with this kid Luke. Kaitlyn will always make fun of us by calling us gay lovers. I usually just ignore her.

Alex ~ Hi. My name is Alex. i'm eight years old and the baby of the family. I have two older. sister, and they are both very annoying. And I have my older brother Kaden, I like him. He's cool. Kaden and his friends are teaching me how to ride skateboards and stuff. I usually have an 'I don't care' attitude. Mum says it just the age I'm at right now. With that said, I really wanna turn out like Kaden someday. Or maybe even my dad.

Allie ~ Hey guys. My name is Allie. I'm seventeen years old, and the middle child in my family. Two older siblings Kaden and Kaitlyn, the twins. And a younger brother Alex. Really creative with the names mum. Anyway, I used to have this best friend called Michael, and we would do everything together. But this girl Kayla ruined that, I had to move to London to stop her harassment. I told Mikey I would call him everyday, but she mad sure I didn't talk to him anymore. Honestly, I used to have a perfect life. I just want that life back. Instead I have depression and a shit load of anxiety attacks waiting to explode.

Michael ~ Hey. I'm Michael, I am nineteen and I have red hair right now. That won't last long. I have green eyes, and I have amazing friends. I also have a sweet beautiful girlfriend. Kayla. I used to have another girl in my life but she left me an went to London. She never even told me why she left, oh well. We don't talk anymore anyway. Sure, I loved her. But I might just live Kayla as much as I loved Allie. Maybe.

Ashton ~ Hello there. My name is Ashton. I am twenty years old and I hangout with a bunk in teenagers. Yep, I'm cool. I have long dark blonde hair, cause I refuse to cut it. I have hazel eyes and dimples. Yes dimples. I hang out with four morons, and one of the morons has two sister that I like talking to. Allie is good when I need girl advice, and I think Katie is quite attractive. I just don't like Kayla, she seems off for some reason. I just need to find out why.

Calum ~ Hey. My name is Calum, but my friends just call me Cal. I'm really just a little cuddly bear. Well not really little but, whatever. I'm the type of person you can talk to about any problem and I won't judge you. J understand everyone has issues. I have dark brown eyes like a puppy, and I like hanging out with people. Mainly Kaden's sister, only because the boys get me into trouble a lot. I like the girls, except Kayla. She's kind of a bitch, but she's dating my best mate. So I won't say anything..

Luke ~ Hiya. My name is Luke, and according to my friends I am a giant. Plus, my hair makes me about three inches taller then I actually am. Blue eyed. I have a best friend named Kaden, and he has a hot sister. Kaitlyn. Allie is cool to, but knowing how Michael felt about her..I just cant. I should like Katie either. it'll get awkward if Kaden finds out. Michael is over Allie I guess, but I can not stand Kayla. She seemed nice at first, but j just can't help but feel she has a really bad dark side.

Kayla ~ What's up? I'm Kayla, Michael's girlfriend. I have long bleach blond hair and brown eyes, well hazel I guess but more brown. I'm usually sweet, I just don't like Allie. She's a waste of space and she was getting in my way. I wanted Michael to be mine, an she was in the way. I got rid of her though, but if Mikey found out about that, he'd dump me for sure. Luckily no one knows about it.

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