13.) What's The Truth?

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Allie's P.O.V

"Kaite, we need to go back home. Like right now." I said, staring at my phone screen.
"Why? We basically just got here. we have only been in like four stores Allie. C'mon, what could be so important that we need to go right now?" She asked me.
"Well, I just got a text from Kaden, and that relationship you wanted with Luke is pretty much out the window. Kaden and Luke fought today, and this is a picture of Kaden's knuckles." I said, and I turned my phone to show her what our brother's hand looks like.
"Holy shit. Why'd that happen?" Katie asked.
"Well, Luke went over to the house and Kaden was trying to figure out what the whole argument between Luke and I was, and Luke apparently called me a bitch and said I made up the whole Kayla story to get attention from Mikey." I replied.
Katie just rolled her eyes and dug around in her purse until she was holding her keys. We started walking towards the entrance of the mall that we came through when we first got here.
When we got to the car, Katie started it up and pulled out of the parking lot like there was a tsunami behind us. I swear she was doing like seventy miles per hour in a thirty-five zone. It's pretty obvious she's mad about something.
At this point, it's hard to tell if she is mad at Luke or Kaden, but I know whoever it is I am not getting in her way because she is scary as hell when she is angry. I'd like to keep living, so I will just sit in the background and watch.
Mikey- What the hell happened to Luke's face? He just showed up at my door with blood everywhere.
Allie- My brother's fist happened.
Oh great, now Luke has the perfect moment to make up some bullshit story about what Kaden did. He's probably gonna say that my brother attacked him for no reason when that is obviously not true. I think we all know Kaden isn't like that.
Then again, it only takes one idiot to believe it. Hopefully the boys are smarter then that.
I think they are.
We pulled into the drive way of our house and Katie got out of the car and ran into the house before I was even unbuckled.
When I got in the house I saw her and Kaden sitting on the couch, just talking. Well I guess I found out that she is mad at Luke for this one. Thank god, Kaden did nothing wrong. All he did was stick up for me, which he should cause I'm his baby sister.
"Are you okay Kaden?" I asked him, kneeling down infront of him on the floor.
"I'm fine, I just can't believe that Luke said that. I thought me and him were best friends. I never expected him to say all those nasty things about you. I always thought he saw you as a little sister. I guess I was wrong." He said. I wrapped my arms around him in a quick hug.
"Maybe it was Luke who was the stranger this whole time, not Mikey." Katie said, and I looked up at her and she had a slight frown.
"Why do you say that?" Kaden asked her.
"Well, now I don't know what to think? What if he's the one who put Kayla up to everything? What if he told her to be mean to you? Maybe he invited her over that day to make Mikey look bad. I don't know, It's just a thought. I could be wrong, but I definitely need to talk to the other boys about this and see if they know why he's acting like this." Katie said.
"What if they don't know anything?" I asked.

"Then we hang Luke from a tree by his nipples until he spills the beans."

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