16.) True Friendship

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Allie's P.O.V

"So, how do we explain all of this to Kaden? You guys are supposed to be best friends, and unless he knows the truth that will never happen." Mikey said, and Luke shrugged.

"I would much rather not tell him that I was being black mailed. Especially because he could tell Katie and I would lose any chance I had with her." Luke said, and I frowned at him.

"Luke, I hate to tell you, but when you said and did everything, you pretty much lost any chance you had with my sister. The only way to get it back is if you tell everyone the truth." I said and he looked down at his hands and fumbled with his fingers.

"I don't know Allie. I think they will hate me even more for ever getting so close to Kayla." Luke said.

"Would you rather them be mad at you for something, that they will eventually get over? Or do you want my brother and sister to hate you forever?" I asked him, and he just nodded his head. By doing so, I knew exactly which option he chose.

"Get changed Luke. We will go talk to everyone." Mikey said.

Luke ran off to get a change of clothes that weren't covered in his face blood. That left Mikey and I in the kitchen, just staring at each other.

Even though we are pretty much back to normal, we still have the most awkward silences in the world. Like, we just stare at each other for minutes at a time, and I hate it because the longer he stares at my face the more insecure I become.

I always feel like he is staring at the scar on my forehead. Or my make-up in uneven, or smeared and he can see all my imperfections.

Him being my best friend, it shouldn't bother me so much that he sees me like that. He has seen me without make-up a million times and it never bothered me before, but something changed in those six months I was gone.

"Hello? Earth to Allie?" Mikey said, snapping his fingers in my face.

"Oh shit. Sorry, I zoned out." I said.

"You had your thinking face on. What's up?" He asked me, and I just shook my head at him.

"Are you really not gonna tell me?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. It was a bunch of stupid thoughts. It doesn't even matter. Honestly, I'm fine Mikey." I said, and he rolled his eyes.

"Last time I heard you say those words, it was two weeks before you told me you were leaving. And then I didn't hear from you for six months. I know it isn't nothing. Tell me please Allie." Mikey begged, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's, well, I don't know. Whenever we have an awkward silence, you just stare at my face and I kind hate it." I confessed, and he just raised one eyebrow slightly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like I get really insecure when you look at me for to long." I said, and Mikey chuckled and shook his head.

"What?" I said in a concerned voice.

"Allie, we have been friends for years and me looking at your face was never a problem before. I used to stare at you for hours at a time in school, or while we were watching a movie and you never even noticed that I was doing it. Why is me looking at you such a big deal?" Mikey asked me.

"I don't know Michael. Something changed while I was gone for those six months, and I have no idea what it did to me and my heart. But whatever it is, I think I kinda like it." I said.

"What do you mean what it did your heart?" Mikey asked me, once again staring at my face.

"I mean when I left you and I were best friends, and I never thought we would be anything more than that. But if you asked me now, I would say maybe we could be." I said, and Mikey smiled at me slightly.

"So if I were to ask you on a date, what would you say?" Mikey asked.

"I would say yes." I said confidently.

"Good to know."

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