20.) You're So Freaking Cute

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Allie's P.O.V

Michael and I stayed at the field for a while before we decided to come back to my house, and we are gonna watch a movie with everyone in the living room.

However, Michael and I decided that we're gonna sleep in my room so we can have privacy. It's our first night as an official couple. We don't wanna bum out the singles with our lovey dovey shit.

"You don't even understand how happy I am you said yes." Michael said out of no where.

"Oh really?" I joked.

"Seriously Allie. I wanted to ask you out in like year eight, but I was so scared that you would friend zone me." Michael said.

"You're so freaking cute Michael." I said while giggling. I heard him chuckle back and grab ahold of my hand.

"How am I being cute? I'm being serious. For the longest time I thought you saw me as a brother and nothing else." Michael said.

"I've liked you for like three years, at least. I don't know what would have happened when we were that young, but now, I'm super happy that you feel the same way about me that I feel about you. Like, you have no idea how much I cried when I first found out you and Kayla were together." I said and he looked into my eyes and frowned.

"I'm sorry. I hope it wasn't to much. I hate the fact that I made you cry. More than once." Michael said.

"It was quite horrendous. Just ask my pillow case that's stained black." I joked, but he didn't laugh with me.

"Michael, it's really okay. Let's not think about the past. Let's think about the future, and live here and now." I said, and he smiled back at me again.

"Okay. If I ever make you cry again though, please just kick me in the balls because I'll deserve it." He said and I chuckled.

"I don't wanna hurt you." I said, still laughing.

"If I hurt you again, make me hurt worse." Michael said, and I shook my head.

Once we approached my house, we could see Luke, Kaden, and Katie sitting on the front stoop. Probably waiting for us to come back so they can bombard us with questions about the day we had together.

I'm sure Cal and Ash are in the house too, we're all together almost everyday.

"So, are you excited to tell them?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! I can't wait until everyone knows about us."

A/n- Sorry it's so short, but it is ending to this story. I have a few other ideas, but I don't wanna drag anything out to long and make it boring. So I figured a nice little date to end the book would work.

If you guys really do like this story let me know and maybe I can work out a sequel to it! I'd love your feedback!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, sorry if it's shitty!!

Signing off...for now.

~Allie xx

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