1.) Six Months Since You Went Away

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Allie's P.O.V

"Allie! I missed you so much!" Katie shouted as she ran over to me and gave me a hug. I had just gotten off of the plane from London. I had been there for six whole months, trying to get my life back on track and finish up school. Now that I have, I wanted to move back home.

The main reason I left is because I was being bullied really bad at school. I wanted it to stop, so I left and didn't tell anyone excpet for my friend Michael.

"I missed you too!" I shouted as we hugged.

Katie is my sister.

"I missed you more then her. Move you twerp." My brother Kaden said. He pushed Katie away as he brought me into his chest.

I just laughed at the two of them. Twins, they're hilarous.

"Well I missed you the most out of everyone." My little brother Alex said. I picked him up and hugged him tight, even though he is eight, I treat him like a baby. Always have.

"Let's get you home. I bet Michael wants to see you." Mum said, I shook my head.

"No he doesn't. I broke my promise to him." I said.

"What do you mean honey?" My mum asked.

"I told him I would call him everyday. I called him often for the first few weeks, and then I stopped because Kayla made me. She told me to stop talk to him, or she would become my worst nightmare again." I conffesed. Kaden let out an agrivated sigh.

He knows how much shit Kayla gave me, but no matter what happened, she wouldn't stop.

"Well, then we don't need to see him. We can just go shopping instead!" Katie squealed. I laughed at her, she's so girly sometimes.

"Can that wait? I'd kinda just like to relax for now." I said. She roled her eyes, but smiled and nodded.

We all got into the car and started the short drive to our house.

We live just outside of Sydney in a rather nice house. There is six bedrooms, so one for each of us and then the guest room. Three bathrooms, one of the them is in my bedroom cause I'm the lucky one.

My father isn't in my life, and quite frankly, I don't care. I never liked or trusted him. Especially because he was abusive to mum when he was drunk. Which was a good eighty percent of the time. So, I didn't want his around.

He was removed from the house the last time he hit mum because Kaden hit him back and I called the police.

When we pulled up to the house, I grabbed two of my bags while Kaden got the other. He even grabbed the heaviest one for me.

"Thanks Kaden." I said. He smiled at me.

"No problem sis, I wasn't gonna be a dick and make you carry all of it." He said and laughed.

We took all my stuff up to my room, which is just the way I left it. I smiled when I saw it, because the room I had in London, was no where near as cool as this one is. This one shows my personality and my interestd. The other one, was white walls and a wood floor. And my bed sheets were light pink, that's not me.

I like being in here better.

"I'm gonna unpack and put stuff away, then we can all hangout okay?" I asked my siblings. They all nodded and I headed over to open my bags and put clothes and anything I took with me, back where it belongs.

Three bags, two of clothes. One has a photo album with pictures from when I was little, all the way up to pictures of Michael and I. It had my laptop, and camera and stuff like that in it. I was to worried about unpacking some of that stuff just yet, but clothes I deffinitely wanted to get done, or else I would never do it.

Queen procastinator over here.

After all mo clothes was back in my wardrobe and dresser, I took out my photo album and started looking through it. Mainly the pictures of me and Mikey. There are oictures from concerts, our trips into the city, and our class trip to New York.

I miss him, but he will never talk to me again. Not after what I did to him.

I competely cut him off and didn't tell him why I was leaving. I didn't tell him what, or who made me leave. If I would have, maybe we would still talk.

"Allie, we are gonna watch a movie. Wanna join?" Alex asked as he walked into my room.

"Yeah I will in a second. Let me finish putting this bag away okay?" I said. He nodded and ran back out of the room. I put the photo album under my bed, and I just pushed my bag under there for now since I don't feel like emptying it.

I grabbed my phone off of the charger and then threw my hair up in a bun. I went down stairs to the living room where the movie was already beginning, but I didn't miss anything.

"Kaden and Luke picked out this movie." Mum said

"Does Luke ever leave, I wanted it to be a family day. Not a family and Hemmings day." I said. I flopped on the couch next to Kaden and just as I did, Luke walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of crisps.

"You're in my spot." Luke whined.

"That sucks. This is my house, go sit with Alex of Kaitlyn." I said taking some crisps from his bowl and smiling. He rolled his eyes but went to sit on another couch.

Luke and Kaden picked out Mean Girls, of course. I swear they are secretly women.

I remember two nights before I left, Michael stayed over here and we watched this. Thi smovie brings back good memories, but memories that I will never be able to make again.

We were halfway through the movie, and I couldn't deal with it.

"You know what, I'm acctually tired and don't feel like watching this so, I'm just gonna go to bed." I said and before anyone could protest I ran out of the room.

I went up to my bedroom and pulled out my laptop. I logged into my facebook and went to Michael's page.

But his profile picture ripped the air from my lungs.

It was a picture of him and Kayla..Kissing underwater.

I clicked on the picture to get a closer look, and the pictures caption was 'Love you Boo. Forever and Always. Photo credit to Luke Hemmings."

And according to their profiles, they are still together.

And they have been for almost six months..

My ex-bestfriend and my bully are dating?

How could this get any worse for me?

A/n - The picture on the side is what his profile picture is. Isn't i such a cute photo? I really like it. I wish I could do that with Michael. :/ Oh well...

And it also shows a shot of her room. so you can see what kind ice person she is :)

Anyway, first chapter to this book. Let me know what ya think about it.

~Allie xx

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