2.) Go Ahead Rip My Heart Out

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Allie's P.O.V

AFter I found out Mikey and that bitch were dating, I didn't wanna talk to anyone.

Yeah sure, I didn't call him and probably lost him as my bestfriend forever but that doesn't mean that I can't look out for him. I still like him, like a lot. I don't waana see him get her by here. I don't wanna see him with her at all.

If only he knew the truth about his new girlfriend. He wouldn't be dating her anymore.

But he would never believe me if I told him what she has said and done to keep us apart.

"Allie honey! Dinner is ready come down and eat." My mum yelled up the stairs to me.

I let out a sigh and walked downstairs to see that Luke is gonna be eating with us.

"I'm serious. This kid never fucking leave." I said.

"Language!." Mum scolded. I put my hands up in surrender before sitting at my plate of food.

I only ate half ouf it, just because I'm not really hungry. I'm not really up for anything since I found it out.

I set my plate on the counter and walk out of the room, not realizing I was actaully crying. Until I sniffled and then I knew it was obvious. Everyone had to know by now.

I walked up to my room and closed my door.

I opened up my laptop and looked at the picture. I can't get over it.

How the hell did someone so perfect end up with her? It's not fair.

"Allie, what's wrong?" I heard Luke's voice come from the doorway. I didn;t even hear him come in.

"This is what's wrong." I said and showed him the picture.

"Oh I see. None of us like her. She's a bitch to him, but he says he;s so in love with her. I just feel like she's using him or something. I don't know. I just can't stand her." Luke explained.

"How long?" I asked him


"How long has he been with her? I need to know if he was with her before I left." I said.

"No he wasn't he got with her maybe a month after you left. They've been together since then." Luke explained.

"Of course they have been. I knew she was up so something the minute she tried to get me and Mikey to stop being friends. She had to get rid of me so she could be with him. I can't believe I never noticed this before." I said to myself, but Luke heard me.

"Wait what? I'm confussed." Luke said.

"Kayla used to bully me really bad. She's the reason I had to go to London in the first place. She made sure I stopped talking to Mikey completely. Now I see why. She wanted him all to herself." I said.

"That ridiculous. You and him had been friends forever." Luke said.

"She's a jealous bitch Allie. Don't let her get to you." Kaden said from the doorway.

"Kaden, did you know about this?" Luke asked him. Kaden nodded.

"Yeah. Well sorta. I knew Kayla was pushing Allie and Michael away from eachother. I could never figure out why, but what Allie said make sense. That's why Kayla is so bitchy towards all of his friends and him. She wants him all to herself. She want's everyone to leave him behind, but since Allie was closest with him, she needed to get rid of her first." Kaden said

I nodded and Luke looked like he understood, and he looked beyond pissed off about it. Luke is like another brother to me.

"I'm sorry Allie. If I would have known I would have stopped her. I wouldn't have let her take Mike away from you like that." Luke said.

"I'll get over him eventually. As long as I don't run into him anywhere." I said.

"I don't think you will. I think you're like, in love with him. It would explain a lot. He has your heart, doesn't he?" Kaden asked me.

I thought about it fro a little bit. I guess he does? I don't really know what being in love is like. But if being in love means getting butterflies around him, and getting lost in his gorgeous green eyes, and juat wanting to be with him all the time, then yes I am in love with Michael.


"Yes sis?"

"I think Michael has my heart." I said. Kaden gave me a small smile.

"We'll fix this Allie. I promise." Kaden said.

"How are you gonna fix it? Kayla took my heart and fucking ripped it out. I don't know how to fix it." I explained and Kaden gave me a small frown.

"I know exactly what we are gonna do. You just have to give me a little time. We will have to prove it to Michael somehow. She has his head jammed so far up her ass he wouldn't believe a word of this unless he heard it from her. We;ll have to trick her into confessing somehow." Luke said with a smirk.

"Ohhh revenge. I like revenge." Kaitlyn said from behind Kaden.

"Kaitlyn, would you like to help us get rid of Kayla?" Luke asked.

"Hell yeah, that bitch is going down."

A/n - I hope this is an okay update you you guys :)

Love you heaps <3

~Allie xx

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