Metal Sonic - Zombie AU

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Idea: Zombie AU

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

Warnings: Violence

Category: Romantic


Y/n's pov

This was not how I wanted to spend my days. Running, hiding, savaging. I was all alone. All my friends were either somewhere saving others or turned. Leaving me alone to fend for myself. Not that I minded much, I told them to go save others. I can handle myself. Although, I do somewhat regret telling them that. There are many times where I'd like to have another person with me.

It would be so much easier to get away from the zombies if I had someone else with me.

As I sat in the beams of the roof, I stayed as quiet as I could. I knew I couldn't take on all the zombies that were down there. I watched as they looked for me. I see one of them look up and I held my breath. I slowly breathe again when I see it has no eyes.

Then there was a loud noise at the entrance of the building I was in. All of us looking at the doorway. The zombies quickly gathering around.

Who would be stupid enough to be so loud? I got my gun ready in case the person needed help. There was a blast, causing the zombies to be knocked back and they stayed down. I slowly lower my gun to see Metal Sonic.

I knew him well enough, we've had one on one fights. Never ended well for me. I may be a good fighter but I never could compare to him. Metal looked up at me and walked closer. I glanced off before looking back at him.

"Hello?" I questioned in a quiet voice. He motioned for me to come down. I raised a brow and shook my head. "Sorry but I don't trust them or you." I told him. He crossed his arms and stared. I sighed and looked off. Man it would be great if he had a voice box.

I feel I should go with him. Better than being stuck up here. Those zombies would get up any minute now. I do want to be with someone but him? I'm not sure.

I look back down at him and he's still staring. I huff and jump down, bending my knees as to make the land softer. I stand up and now face to face with Metal. Him being a few inches from me. Maybe I should work on my aim while landing more. I take a few steps back as I look off. He watched me do all this before he dropped his arms and started walking. I look back at him then follow.

As we walked, he was being careless. Walking past hordes and not trying to be quiet. This put me on edge, made me want to run but he kept anything from getting close. I almost felt safe with him around.

We finally made it away from everywhere and Metal went into a hidden door. Must have been one of Eggman's old bases. I follow him in and look around. There was no one else. I look at Metal, "Why am I the only one you..saved?" I questioned the word I used and why I'm the only one here.

He didn't even give me a side eye before walking into another room. I sigh and look around to set my stuff. At least things might get better.

That happened about a month or two ago. I've been staying with Metal since. He'd protect me when I went to get food, heck he'd even help me when I saved others. He's become good, for the most part. I wonder if it's because Eggman is gone? I'm not sure but I was glad for it. Life has become much easier with him around.

I say all that, how easy it is with him, as I go out alone. I needed more food but I didn't want to bother him since we just went out. I make sure my gun is loaded and not clogged before I head out. I've learned to not make a noise when I go anywhere so I don't attract any zombies.

I made it to an old store and I went in. I've already taken most of the food from here so I went ahead and grabbed the rest of it. What I didn't realize is that I was making just a little too much noise. I turn around and see a horde of zombies. My eyes widen as I grab my gun. I was cornered so I couldn't run.

I started shooting at them. I didn't really need to aim since there were so many of them. Though the bullets weren't doing much. More zombies came and started to close in.

I used my gun as a blunt object to hit them away. I used enough force to push past them, I stayed away from their mouths as I passed them. I ran outside and started to run away from the store. I didn't even realize I was heading the wrong way until I saw another horde.

Man I've been slipping.

That's when I felt someone grab me by my arms and I was lifted off the ground. I started to freak out until I looked up and saw Metal. Though he looked a bit different, he looked upgraded. Did he do that in the time I've been gone? In any case, I was relieved to see him. Although I was a bit nervous too because I knew he'd be upset with me leaving alone.

He made it to the base and we both went in. I took off my jacket and jumped a bit when he spoke, not expecting to hear another voice. "Why did you leave all alone?" I turn to him, a bit shocked, guess that came with the upgrade. "I uh, didn't want to bother you. We had just went out and I didn't want to make you go back out immediately." I explained to him, looking away.

He walked up to me as he spoke. "What makes you think I care about the amount of times we go out? The only thing I care about is that you're safe."

I look back at him, realizing something. "Why?"

I could tell his anger went away. Now that he could speak, he had no reason not to explain to me why he saved me and why he continues to.

"Why do you care? You never did before- or at least you never showed it. Why show up out of the blue and save me? Help me? Protect me?" I took a step closer to him, my tone soft but stern at the same time.

He looked away then turned away. "I was under Eggman's orders. I was unable to act on my own. At first I didn't mind how I was programmed but the longer I was in the world the more emotions I got. The more I understood things. At some point I didn't want to fight you, I care to fight the others but it was really only you I didn't want to fight." He told me.

"It took so long to find out what I was feeling meant. When Eggman went down I became free. I didn't know what to do so I went into hiding. I watched what was going on behind a screen. I didn't think you'd want to see me but when you got stuck I couldn't help but come and help you." He finished, a small smile appeared on my face.

So I was right, I'll have to rub it in Sonic's face later. I walk closer to Metal and put a hand on his shoulder. "I appreciate it, I really do. Everything you've done for me." He turned his head to me to look at me. "And I hope you know the feeling is mutual."

~ Bonus ~

"Oh my gosh, you did it Metal! It's the cure!" I smiled and hugged him. He put an arm around me, his other hand holding what little of the cure we currently have. "I'll call Tails and tell him you did it. Then you guys can make more and cure what's left everyone." Metal nodded.

"Alright, but don't forget you helped too. You may not think that you didn't do much but your different ways of seeing things helped more than you know." He told me and I roll my eyes playfully as I head to where my communicator is. "Whatever you say."


Words: 1,438

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry if this is bad. I feel it was rushed.



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