Fleetway - Friends

615 14 2

Idea: Literally do not have a plan. We are just gonna see where this goes.

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

Warnings: None

Category: Platonic


It was dark out, the only lights they were on were street lights and occasionally one or two from a building. Y/n walked down the street while listening to music. They stared at the night sky, enjoying the stars. Out of nowhere, it became brighter and brighter. Y/n grew confused, it was nowhere near morning, even if so, the bright light of the sun doesn't come that quickly. Soon Y/n noticed something heading straight down. They could tell it wouldn't land close to them but near enough for them to make it to it.

The bright light dimmed once it hit the Earth. Y/n, letting curiosity win, ran to where the light landed. They weren't the only one that had this idea. A crowd formed around the landed figure. Y/n was at the front of the crowd. The light dimmed to almost nothing and everyone got a better look at it. People began to talk, most asking if it was Sonic. The figure slowly got up, causing everyone to quiet down.

Y/n paused their music as they watched. They noticed the eyes of the figure, it wasn't like Sonic's eyes when he was in his super form. Y/n assumed it was a new person and from their angry look, they assumed it was a villain. Just the look he gave everyone made people flee. Y/n was unfortunately too slow, Fleetway sped to them and grabbed the back of their clothes. Y/n's heart sped up as they slowly turned their head to him.

"Where am I?" He asked in a threatening tone. Y/n hesitated but finally managed to speak. "Seaside City." Fleetway looked off for a second as the thought. He flew up, keeping a hold of Y/n's clothes. "You're coming with me." Y/n's eyes widened as they grabbed his wrist out of instinct. "What!? Why me!?" They looked up at him as he flew over the city. "You're the fool I locked eyes with first." He said, Y/n looked back down, fear completely filling them. They decided to keep quiet, hoping they won't be dropped.

After a while, Fleetway dropped Y/n off at an abandoned building, on the roof. Y/n landed on their feet and backed away from him. He only smirked at this as he landed. "Someone's scared." He chuckled, "No shit. What do you want from me?" They asked. "Oh you can't give me what I want but I can use you to get what I want." Fleetway walked closer to Y/n, they backed up until they got too close to the edge of the building.

"Yeah? What might that be?" Y/n glanced behind them, not liking how high they were. "To rule the world. I will use you against the blue hero Sonic. He'd never hurt an innocent person and he'd do anything to keep an innocent person from being hurt. If I just have one with me. He'll be torn on what to do. With his 'save everyone' type." Fleetway chuckled, Y/n cursed at themselves for being so curious. Guess curiosity really killed the cat.

But satisfactory brought it back. "How long am I going to be forced to stay with you?" Y/n asked, looking at him. He thought for a moment. "As long as needed." He smirked, taking a step forward, forcing Y/n to take a step back. Y/n hadn't even thought about how close to the edge they were. Their foot didn't hit the ground, causing them to fall. Fleetway chuckled as he watched them fall. He jumped down and caught them right before they hit the ground.

Y/n wrapped their arms around his neck and clung on out of fear. Fleetway laughed at this and flew back up to the roof and put them down. Y/n let go of him and backed up again, this time they went closer to the middle of the building. "Cling on to me for dear life only to back away? Such a confusing mortal." Y/n didn't respond, they just kept their eyes on him. "Now then, I need a place to keep you." He looked off as he walked over to Y/n. This time, they stood their ground, not wanting to fall again.

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