Scourge - Scars

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Idea: After fighting for years, the two grew a liking to each other. They began to hang out outside of hero/villain business.

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

Warnings: Scourge's scars don't follow cannon, short

Category: Romantic


The night sky lit up with the moonlight. The stars twinkled as Y/n looked for constellations. They stood up top their apartment complex, waiting for Scourge to show up. The two decided to have a game night. The wind blew past Y/n, they listened to the night time noises. Soon there was a stronger breeze of wind. Y/n looked over and smiled when they saw Scourge. He smirked at Y/n as he walked closer.

"You're brave to have me over." Y/n rolled their eyes playfully. "Yeah, I could beat you with ease." They walked over to the door to go back inside. "That's what you think, Toots." He chuckled as both went inside and to Y/n's apartment. Y/n has already set up their table for board or card games and their device was ready to play online games.

The two of them could get competitive so some games went on for hours. Others, one of them would rage and go on to the next game. Both of them have forgotten who has most of the points by now. They both were having fun though. Sometimes things would get heated but then they'd joke about it later. They'd throw insults at each other, none of which they meant. The two were just enjoying themselves.

Y/n enjoyed hanging out with Scourge. They wish he was good but they're just glad he's good enough to do things like this. After each moment that passed with him, they grew to like him more and more. At first they tried to push away these feelings but nothing worked. So they decided to just accept the feelings but never act on them.

Scourge found any excuse to hang out with Y/n. He always loved beating them and just being with them. He worked they'd join him but he knew they'd never do that. He didn't know what these feelings were so he just kept pushing them aside. He didn't care enough to learn what they were, he just assumed he'd find out somehow one day.

Later that night, Y/n grew tired. The two laid on the couch. Y/n between his legs with their head on his chest. Scourge's arms were around Y/n as he held a controller and played a game. Y/n watched for a while before turning their attention to him. They looked at his scars that were over his chest. They gently traced them. "Does it hurt?" Y/n asked softly. Scourge was quiet for a second.

"It did, years ago, when I first received it." He answered, keeping most of his attention on the tv.

"I can't believe someone would do this to you." Y/n whispered, Scourge stopped playing the game as his grip tightened on the controller. He looked at Y/n with a slight glare.

"You did this. You did this to me and you don't even remember." He sneered. Y/n looked up at him and sat up a bit. "What?" Scourge sat the controller off to the side as he sat up, causing Y/n to sit up fully. "How could you not remember that fight?" He growled, angered that Y/n could forget such a fight. "I'm sorry. I forget things easily, I-" they tried to explain but Scourge cut them off. "You can easily forget such a gruesome, bloody, fight!?"


The only times Y/n has yelled at Scourge were times where if they didn't, he wouldn't hear them. So them yelling now shocked him.

"Yes, I forget things like that. I suppress bad memories so I only remember the good ones. So life can be actually enjoyable." Y/n looked down. "Which is why I don't remember my childhood or even teenhood. Why I only really remember times with friends and you." They looked back at him. "I'm so sorry Scourge. I," they gave a soft sigh. "I never wanted to hurt you that badly."

A sigh came from Scourge as he looked off. "It's fine." He then looks at Y/n with a smirk, "Plus they're cool." Y/n looked at him then chuckled a bit. "Of course you think that." Scourge chuckled and pulled them closer. "Now then, should we get back to gaming?" He questioned, "You can, I think I want to sleep." Y/n responded. He nodded as they both laid back down. Scourge grabbed the controller as he began to play again. Y/n soon fell asleep on top of him.


Words: 794

Sorry this one is so short. As much as I want to write, I'm running out of ideas for this book. Not to mention I'm slowly moving on to Nanbaka. I'm trying not to cause I want to continue this book. I want at least 50 in this before I take a break from it but it's becoming hard. If y'all got any ideas. Please let me know.

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed! Byyyyyyyeeeeeeee!


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