Knuckles - Marry Me

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Idea: Based off the song 'Marry me' by Thomas Rhett.

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

Warnings: None

Category: Romantic


Since they were kids, Y/n has dreamt of what their wedding would be. They'd even drag their childhood friend, Knuckles, into the planning. Y/n had big plans and always talked about it to Knuckles. He would sit there and listen to them. He would put his input in sometimes. Though he'd mostly just listen. The two would always meet up at this one coffee shop in the city for Y/n to plan.

Knuckles had always had a crush on Y/n. He'd always picture himself at the altar with them. Though, he kept his feelings to himself. The day he was going to tell Y/n was the day he found out Y/n had a boyfriend. He was happy that Y/n was happy but it still hurt. He never showed it though.

Y/n would talk about how the wedding would go, they had already planned it. They looked for outfits for their big day. They'd of course dragged Knuckles to go looking for stuff. They'd jump store to store until Knuckles had to head back to Angel Island or be called for a fight. Then Y/n would go back to their boyfriend.

Soon, the day was coming, the wedding day. Knuckles stared at the invite, he felt so crushed but there was nothing he could do now. He put a hand over his eyes as he dropped the invite. He laid down on the Master Emerald and stared up at the sky. He debated on even going. Knuckles gave a defeated sigh before deciding he'd go.

Knuckles stood with Sonic and a few of the other boys. He attempted to get his tie right, it was right before they headed to the wedding. Sonic noticed his struggle and helped him. "You good Bud?" Sonic questioned, he was one of very few who knew about Knuckles feelings. "Yes, as long as they're happy." He responded, Sonic gave a slight nod, not really believing him. "Let's head off guys." Shadow told everyone.

It was currently before the time of when Y/n stood at the altar. Knuckles couldn't bear it. He left before he even got to see Y/n. He went to the coffee shop. Right as he got in, it started to poor down raining. Knuckles didn't think much of it. He grabbed out his wallet as he walked up to the counter. He ordered a drink and paid for it. Once he got his drink he sat at a table and looked out the window.

Knuckles felt bad for leaving but he couldn't bear seeing Y/n marry someone else. It hurt him too much. He looked at his drink. He regretted not telling Y/n his feelings all those years ago. Before Y/n got with their fiance. He gripped the cup a bit tighter as anger filled him. He noticed a car pull up beside the window. He glanced at it then looked outside the window when he saw the person get out.

Y/n got out of the car, not caring about the rain. Their outfit was soaked at this point, tears ran down their face. If it wasn't for their reddish eyes, you wouldn't have even been able to tell. Knuckles stood up at the sight of Y/n. He quickly went outside and over to them. Y/n immediately hugged Knuckles and cried into his chest. He hugged them back and comforted them. Knuckles had no idea what happened but whatever happened made him even more pissed off.

They both got into the car. This time, Y/n was in the passengers and Knuckles drove. He drove them to Y/n's house. He guided them in and they both sat on the couch. Knuckles held Y/n close until they finally calmed down.

"What happened Y/n?" Knuckles finally asked. Y/n gave a shakey sigh. "He..he left at the altar." They said, looking down. "He what!?" Knuckles stood up, Y/n looked up at him. "Knuckles don't-" they tried but he shook his head. "No, he can't just do that to you!" Knuckles glared but not at Y/n. They grabbed his hand and pulled it slightly. "Stay with me. Please." They practically whispered. Knuckles stared down at them and gave a sigh before sitting next to them."

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