Espio - Prove Myself

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Idea: Y/n is new to the Chaotix team. They want to prove they are worthy to be on there. Even though Victor and Chamry already knew what they were capable of, Y/n mostly wanted to prove to Espio.

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

Warnings: Mention of death, blood, a bit of gore

Category: Romantic


Y/n sat at the desk of the Chaotix headquarters, late at night. They were going through papers, missing cases, notes, and other work related things. There recently have been a bunch of missing people's cases. The team has been working on it for a few months now. Y/m decided to give a crack at it once the team left for home.

As they were going through the people they realized something. All the people that have gone missing has met this one other person at least once, at least going by the notes that was true. Y/n decided to dig dipper into the missing people. One by one, they took more notes on each person. Going through recorded calls for information.

Y/n stopped and thought for a second. There was this one place that had been mentioned a few times by a few people. They didn't think much of it. There was nothing at that place. A raggedy old warehouse would be a great place to hide people but there was one problem with the place. The warehouse is mostly torn down, hardly anything to it now. Many walls were missing, it basically didn't have a roof.

Though Y/n needed to get out and stretch. They've been sitting down for hours now. They decided it wouldn't hurt to check out the place.

Y/n stood up and stretched their arms up. They grabbed their jacket and put it on. They then grabbed a flashlight, knife, and made sure they had their phone on them. Then they headed out. Even though it was late, Y/n had their phone ready to call the Chaotix team. Really just had Espio's number pulled up. They picked Espio out all three of them because that was their boyfriend.

Y/n wanted to prove to their boyfriend that they didn't need protecting and could do anything he could. Y/n knew Espio just cared and worried about them, they worried and cared about Espio too. His job could be very dangerous. Now they both have this job so they both were worried messes.

Y/n stood in front of the warehouse, shining their flashlight at it. They looked at the forest around before walking closer to the broken down building. They walked in, going over the broken wall since it was just a step over. The only noises were the noises of forest animals, Y/n's footsteps, and their breath. They made it to the only fully enclosed room and stopped to glance around the room.

With how quiet it was, they could hear, speaking? There were voices very close. They turned off their flashlight, being engulfed in the darkness. They didn't know where the voices were coming from so they turned off their flashlight to not give away their location.

After listening for another minute they made out a few words. 'Help!' 'Anyone there!?'

Y/n's eyes widen and quickly searched the room for any openings. They noticed scrape marks on the floor from something moving back and forth. They looked at what could be moved and it was a big dresser. They go to try and move it but failed. They wouldn't give up that easily. After a while, they heard footsteps. They were too into trying to move the dresser, they didn't have time to hide or get away.

The criminal turned into the room. Y/n and him locked eyes. Y/n felt fear and anger fill them. They put the flashlight on the dresser to light up most of the room and they grabbed their knife.

"Oh you think you can fight me?" The criminal said very cockily. "Yes, I do." Y/n responded.

Y/n waited for him to make the first move, he caught on quickly and jumped at them with a knife. They fought for a while. Y/n was losing though. They were so tired, they hadn't slept in so long, working on the missing persons cases for hours to immediately jump into a battle wasn't the best idea.

The criminal managed to stab Y/n in the side. He pulled out the knife and kicked them down then smirked down at them. Y/n moved a hand in their pocket and pushed the call button on their phone. Luckily they had their location on and was ready to call Espio.

Y/n was quiet, catching their breath. Once Espio picked up, they spoke but not to Espio. " got me. Don't think you've won though." The criminal laughed at them, not knowing about the phone call. "Look at you! You're dying on the ground with no one to come and help you! Wow, you're pathetic." He wanted to keep speaking but stopped when he heard Y/n's phone.

"Y/n? Y/n!? What's going on!?" Espio called worriedly. There was a bunch of other noises happening in the background, Y/n could tell he was moving around quickly. The criminal snatched Y/n's phone and put it up to his ear. "'Lover Boy' huh? I'm guessing you're the boyfriend to this pathic excuse for a living being." Y/n scoffed, "speak for yourself-" they coughed up blood when the criminal kicked Y/n in their other side.

"Shut up! No one is speaking to-" he quickly moved the phone away from his ear when a high pitched noise went through. Showing the phones were close together.

"Get away from them.!" Espio knocked the criminal into the wall and punched him to knock him out. As much as Espio wanted to fully release his anger and kill the guy. He didn't, he turned to Y/n and quickly went to their aid.

Victor and Chamry came in soon after. Both shocked at what was in front of them. Before Espio could say anything, Y/n immediately got back to work. "Victor, g-get that dresser moved, the missing people are behind it. Charmy, help get them all out and to safety. Espio-"

Y/n was cut off by him. "I don't care what you tell me to do. I'm helping you." He said as he moved their hand to see the stab wound. "But what about the missing people?" Y/n asked, looking at Espio. "Victor and Chamry can handle them. You're coming with me!" Espio picked Y/n up, worry and anger filled his voice.

Victor and Chamry immediately got to work. That was the last thing you saw before you passed out.

When you opened you eyes again, everything was bright. You closed your eyes and turned your head. You heard movement when you moved. It wasn't you though, there was someone else with you. "Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice.

You opened your eyes again only to meet with yellow ones. Espio reached over and put a hand on your cheek. You instinctively leaned your head into it. "You're finally awake. I was so scared we lost you." He spoke softly, Y/n smirked playfully and gave a soft chuckle. "Think you can lose me that easily? No, you're stuck with me." They told him and he smiled a bit at their comment.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

~ Bonus ~

Y/n was sat on the couch, next to Espio, in their shared home.

"Y/n?" Espio spoke, turning to them, they hummed in response. "Why were you up so late, doing a job on your own?" They sighed and looked down. They knew he'd question it at some point.

"I wanted to prove to you that I would be good to the team." They looked at Espio, they could see his facial expression change. They then looked away. "So I decided to take a look at the missing persons cases. I noticed that place had many connections so I decided to head to it. I didn't think I would find anything to be honest."

"You have to be prepared in case you do though." He said, Y/n could hear a bit of anger in his voice. They knew why he was mad. He had told them, even Victor and Chamry, not to go in a job without any help and especially without anyone knowing. "Yes, I know, I know but I just thought-" Espio cut them off. "Whatever you thought, it was wrong."

Y/n didn't speak after that, looking at the tv. They knew they were in the wrong. They knew what they did was very dangerous.

Espio sighed and gently grabbed their hand. "I'm just glad you're okay." His voice was softer than before. Y/n leaned against him, their head on his shoulder, he put an arm around them.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Espio."

Words: 1521

Hope you enjoyed! Byyyyyyyeeeeeeee!


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