Scenario - Where Else?

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Idea: The hero shows up on the villains doorstep. The hero all bloodied and battered. "I didn't know where else to go."

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name
F/m = Favorite movie

Warnings: Mention of blood, cussing

Category: Platonic




Sonic held his side as he made it to Y/n's door. It was late at night though he knew they'd be up. Y/n was an insomniac. Sonic gave a weak knock, his arm giving out almost immediately. Y/n barely just heard it from inside their base. They put down a tool they had and made it to the door. They opened it and saw Sonic.

"Sorry, I didn't know where else to go." He gave his signature smirk before it falling as he felt more pain in his side. "Get inside." Y/n said as they moved to the side to let him in. Sonic held a hand on the doorframe to keep his balance as he went in. Y/n gave a sigh and put his arm around their shoulders and helped him to the couch.

Y/n made him sit down before leaving for a first aid. Sonic felt light headed soon after they left. His eyes slowly closed and soon he passed out. Y/n came back and saw him unconscious. They rolled their eyes and dropped their act. They let their worry show, they did truly care for Sonic. Which is why they never laid a hand on him. Seeing him on the brink of death scared them.

Once Y/n was done treating his wounds. They put a blanket over him and left the room. Y/n ended up staying up all night.

When Sonic woke up, he looked around. He remembered last night and he shot up. Immediately regretting his decision. He groaned in pain and looked down at himself. Sonic moved the blanket and saw his wounds were actually treated really well. He looked around and noticed food and a drink on the coffee table. He hesitantly took it.

Y/n came into the room and saw him just finish his food. "Glad you feel well enough to eat." They spoke and Sonic looked at them. "You actually did help me." He pointed out and Y/n nodded. "Yes, I couldn't let you just die on my porch. Your friends would come after me if so." Y/n said as they sat in the love seat they had. Sonic looked away and at the plate he had in his hands.

"Is that the only reason why you saved me?" He questioned, a hint of sadness in his voice. Y/n picked up on this, they looked off. "No, you don't deserve to die. You're too good for that." They said truthfully causing Sonic to smile softly. "Thank you, maybe you're not as bad as people think." Sonic looked at Y/n. "Tch. Whatever you say." Sonic chuckled at their act.

"Come on, you just saved me." Y/n looked at him. "Plus, says a lot that I choose you to come to for help." Y/n crossed their arms. "Why did you?" Sonic thought for a moment. "Because I know you're better than what you come off to be. Plus, you're probably the best at fixing wounds." He told them and Y/n raised a brow. "How do you know I'm so good?"

Sonic shrugged. "Everytime you get hurt, no matter how bad. You always show back up with the wound fully taken care of." Y/n looked away, knowing he was right. "How are you feeling?" They questioned, trying to change the topic. Sonic smirked at this. "See? You do care." Y/n huffed and stood up. "You can leave now." Sonic laughed and laid back down. "Oh no~ I don't think I can get up." He said in a teasing tone.

Y/n shot a glare at Sonic and he just continued to smirk. Y/n rolled their eyes and flicked a hand at him. "Don't bother me." They said as they began to walk out. "You know I will!" Sonic called after them.

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