Sonic, Scoruge - The Truce

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Idea: Hi! have a request for you! Basically Sonic and Scourge are fighting because they both like reader, who is oblivious af. Reader is gender neutral (l'd prefer that for all of my requests). I'm giving you some creative freedom with this as don't have much ideas currently. Enjoy!

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

Warnings: Y/n has a fear of heights, somewhat based on my experience,

Category: Romantic

Requested: I_got_le_papayas


There was a truce, one that was thought to be short lived but it's been going on for a few years now. Sonic and Scoruge said they would not cause problems for each other until one of them won over Y/n. Whoever did would be a victor.

Though neither of them have been able to do so. It wasn't that Y/n was uninterested. They were just very oblivious to what was going on.

The two refused to give up though. Both of them loved Y/n dearly. Neither of them wanted to give up Y/n, especially not to the other.

Right now, Y/n was sitting on the grass, watching Sonic and Scoruge butt heads. They would keep racing, yelling, and making up challenges. They were fighting over who got to buy Y/n a snack. Y/n found it cute the way the boys would interact.

They liked both of them, Sonic and Scoruge. They didn't want to admit it though. Somehow, Y/n got it in their head that the two of them didn't like them romantically.

Y/n stood up and walked over to the food truck. They weren't even hungry so they just ordered a drink. The boys were too busy fighting each other, they hadn't even noticed. Y/n walked back over to their spot on the ground and sat down.

Sonic and Scoruge were still at it. They were just blue and green blurs running around the park they were in. Y/n looked off to look at the sky. Then there was a gust of wind that went past Y/n. They looked behind them and saw Sonic standing there with a smirk.

"Ha! I got to them first!" He said to Scoruge who was standing in front of Y/n. "No I did! I just stopped in front of them unlike who you went behind!" He yelled back. "Boys boys, chill out. Sit down." Y/n said, trying to defuse the situation. Sonic and Scoruge looked down at Y/n before glaring at each other and sitting on either side of Y/n.

"We should do something together." Y/n thought out loud as they looked up at the sky again. The boys looked at Y/n. "What do you want to do?" Scourge asked and Y/n thought for a moment. "How about the fair?" Y/n asked as they looked at Scourge then Sonic. Both of them looked at each other before looking at Y/n and nodding.

Once the three of them got to the fair, Sonic and Scoruge fought over who'd be the one to pay to get in. In the end, Y/n ended up paying, not that they minded. They offered in the beginning which led to the boys fighting over it.

When they were all in, Y/n looked around. They looked at the rides and immediately realized how tall they all were. They didn't want to admit their fear of heights so they decided to be brave for the day.

Sonic smiled and pointed to The Gravitron. "Let's ride that!" He said and Scoruge rolled his eyes. "Come on, Y/n wouldn't want to ride such a lame ride." He scoffed. Y/n decided to jump on this opportunity. Even though the ride may rise, they wouldn't see how high they were. "No no, I don't mind. You don't have to join though Scoruge."

Scourge looked at Y/n a bit surprised before pushing that away. "No no, I'll go on." He said kinda reluctantly. Sonic smirked, "So you do what to go on this 'lame' ride?" He asked as Scourge walked past him. He pushed Sonic before they all went up to the side. Which luckily did not have a line.

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